
Thursday, March 14, 2013


The election of a new pope under historic circumstances is a time to move away from the gloom and doom of Catholicism mired in the muck of scandal, or of theological ideologies or the narcissism of progressives or traditionalists. The Catholic Church purportedly has 1.2 billion members of which less than half actually practice the faith.

Doom and gloom is not of the resurrection, it is pre-resurrectional.

Let us welcome our new Holy Father and the direction that he will bring the Church. He hasn't said this, but i suspect he has chosen the name Francis to address the issues in the Church today, especially moving us towards Jesus Christ crucified and risen and the request of Jesus in a private revelation to Saint Francis of Assisi to "Rebuild my Church."

Pope Francis is his own brick layer and brick by brick he will do what God is mandating him to do as Pope Francis understands.

Brick by brick!

So let us not be confused post-Vatican II Catholics about who is really important in the Church. It is Jesus, Mary and Joseph and the family which they have created, the Holy Family of the Church. Let us move beyond today's family dysfunctions of hatred, jealously, combativeness and divisiveness and join our Holy Father in rebuilding the Church, brick by brick!

We as Catholics are opposed to the divorce culture. Don't divorce yourself from the Holy Father or the true Church of Christ!


Gene said...

Well, here's one recommendation: Fr. Fessio of Adoremus said, "You'll love him; the other Jesuits hate him." LOL! That is certainly hopeful...LOL!

ytc said...

1.2 billion, not million.

William Meyer said...

I observed yesterday that both trads and progressives were wailing and gnashing their teeth. Also, there seemed to be a shortage of helpful historic info on our new pope, at least in English.

This morning, we have been blessed with some helpful comments from people who actually know the man. With the good reports from Abp. Chaput and Fr. Fessio, it seems clear that those of us hoping for continued reform of the reform had no cause for despair.

As someone who struggles each day with sinful impatience, it is interesting to me that after my initial shock at the result, followed by my own prayers, I wrote an article of my own counseling patience to others.