BOMBSHELL UPDATE! I've been watching the Protestant Fundamentalist video I've posted below. It was videoed in 2012 and one of the Protestant Fundamentalist's prophecies that Pope Benedict will resign, yes he says this in 2012! and that even now (then in 2012) the college of cardinals were planning the next conclave! How clairvoyant is that! And on top of that, this Protestant Fundamentalist states that the pope after Pope Benedict will be an "anti-pope." And now we really must cue the "Twilight Zone Music" as Catholics should know that when there are two living popes, one of them normally is an "anti-pope." And my bet on this is that Pope Benedict is not the anti-pope, unless he does something bizarre. So the new pope will be the anti-pope, but maybe not! How fun is this?

So the bombshell that I proposing and the rumor I am pushing is that the Pontifex Maximus Emeritus indeed will be at the "Coronation" Mass of his successor the New Pontifex Maximus and my clairvoyance tells me that it will be on Saint Patrick's Day, but that the new Pontifex Maximus will not be Irish, or should I say, not from Ireland directly, not to discount that he could have an Irish last name, but I digress.
The Pontifex Maximus Emeritus prior to departing the throne of Saint Peter had changed the ritual of the "Coronation" Mass for the new Pontifex Maximus. This is one of the major changes:
Rites and gestures that are not strictly sacramental will take place either before a Mass or in a ceremony not involving Mass, Msgr. Guido Marini, master of papal liturgical ceremonies, told the Vatican newspaper Feb. 22.
One of the most visual changes, he said, would be the restoration of the public “act of obedience” in which each cardinal present at the pope’s inaugural Mass comes forward and offers his allegiance.
Will the Pontifex Maximus Emeritus be first in line at the "Coronation Mass" to do what the Pontifex Maximus Emeritus had ordered prior to becoming the Pontifex Maximus Emeritus? My crystal ball is a bit blurry on this but if it became crystal clear, how delicious would that be! Clairvoyance is such a burden but if not by the grace of God so go I with other non-clairvoyants or maybe not.
And here is the clairvoyance of another clairvoyant, but maybe not!
And the Protestant Fundamentalist's understanding of the clairvoyance of the Irish clairvoyant St. Malachy!
And from one of my most favorite clairvoyant comedians!
weird and delicious
I've added a couple of delicious videos for your viewing pleasure!
bombshell, in terms of St. Malachy's prophesy, the last pope will be an anti-pope!!!!!!
That means that Pope Benedict is still the pope! I learned this from the Protestant video. How delicious is that!
This is the prayer I will be praying, either on its own, or in unisen with a Divine Mercy chaplet or Rosary, until the new pope is elected:
O Lord, if it be according to your Holy Will and beneficial for the Church, please let the conclave elect as pope either Cardinal Bagnasco, Cardinal Piacenza, Cardinal Ranjith, Cardinal Pell, or Cardinal Burke. Whoever is the next pope, please let him lead us into a Catholic restoration and renaissance. A restoration of the traditional Holy Mass - let him suppress the Bugnini fabricated order of the Mass and replace it with the 1965 Order of the Mass into the Ordinary Form Roman Missal, a restoration of traditional Church architecture and sacred art, a restoration of Catholic identity, culture, traditions and pride. Amen.
Please feel free to use this prayer yourself and circulate it to others to use(you can even replace some of my papabili with your own, if you so wish).
Bret, I will pray this prayer, but I will add a line at the end:
"And purge the curia and the entire Church of scandal and sin."
Oh God, please guide the Cardinal-Electors to choose the pope You want for your Church. Do not let them be swayed by liturgical ideology, by unhistorical analysis of current practices, or by foolish beliefs in "fabrication."
Give them your protection against the conspiracy theorists of Siri, Freemasonry, or the Illuminati. Keep them from regarding with any smidgen of seriousness Ptolemaic geocentrism, Intelligent Design "theories," or St. Malachy's "prophecies."
Give them joy in their ministry to the Church, give them safe travel to and from the Eternal City, and help us all to be steadfast in faith, hope and charity. AMEN
..and let him not be tricked into stepping into any of his sheeps crap.
Pater Ignorant, do you believe in transubstantiation... do you believe that the Eucharist is the body blood soul and divinity of Jesus Christ the Son of the living God? I ask because in a prior post, FrMcD said it doesn't matter if the next pope is from the 1st world or 3rd world, as long as he gets [me] into the next world, you replied that is "pie in the sky when you die", so obviously you do not beleive in souls going to heaven. I think you need to be brought to the attention of your bishop, and you need to be evaluated. You may be leading your parishoner astray and endagering their salvation with your new age hippie ways... but then again, you don't believe in salvation... or do you?
@ Kavanaugh,
you're really funny. I bet Our Lord gets a huge laugh every time you pray. He has no intention of answering your wierd prayers, but it gives Him a good laugh.
I can just imagine what it would have been like if you were one of the 12 apostles. Well, first of all, you'd probably be Judas. But I digress. You'd be saying to Our Lord, "hey Jesus, don't be swayed by those crazy fantasies You have of being crucified and resurrected. Its a conspiracy theory to get you off track. Stop doing those foolish miracles also, you'll only be looked at as ideologically unhistorical".
Better go get ready for your clown service.
David, Kavanaugh cannot answer your question directly. He will have either to lie or be coy. There are, unfortunately, many Priests and Bishops like him residing in the Church. Their entire ministry is carried out tongue-in-cheek while they go through the motions (and often not so well, at that) of the Liturgy and attempt, through subtlety and guile to "educate" their parishioners into secular/humanist thinking. It is important for them to be confronted and called out in various venues such as this and other blogs. It is always entertaining to watch them slip and slide around like a hog on ice.
David - Oh Goody! Another threat of being "reported" to my bishop. I am Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh at Holy Spirit Church in Macon, GA. When you send the letter to Bishop Hartmayer "reporting" me, please be kind enough to send a copy to me.
The "pie in the sky when you die" comment has nothing to do with the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Nothing. Your jump from my "pie" comment to "you don't believe in souls going to heaven" defies comprehension.
William B - God knows far better than we who ought to be pope. I'll leave it in his hands and not presume to know which candidate is better than another. Praying for God's will to be done isn't weird at all.
Pin/Gene - I'll answer any legitimate question directly - and have many times here in the past. Maybe you'd like to answer this one directly: "Why do you call African-Americans a "feral minority"? I've got the post saved with date and time if you need that for reference.
Pater Ignorant, if you get so many "threats" of being reported to your bishop, you really must be doing something wrong.
And I noticed you did NOT answer my question.
Do you believe the Eucharist is the body blood soul and divinity of Jesua Christ, the Son of the Living God?
Nor did you deny you don't believe in souls going to Heaven.
Keep slipping and sliding, hog.
Regarding comments about Father Kavanaugh, please see my comment on the “Chicken War” in Father’s post of March 3 on Disappointed Critics of the Church.
And since offering prayers respecting the election of the next Pope seems to be popular, I offer here one of my own, echoing an earlier comment on the Blog:
“O Lord, may the next Holy Father lead our Church to a re-enchantment of the Mass and to a re-enchantment of the world that seeks to overcome the disenchantment and hubris that results from our achievements in science and technology as manifested in both the material and social worlds. May he encourage in us a necessary humility that properly recognizes the Creator, the awesomeness and mystery of the Mass and of Creation, and our responsibilities as faithful followers of Christ who are called to be stewards of Creation and its many gifts, remembering always that we are ourselves part of Creation and of those gifts.”
Regarding prophecies (whether of St. Malachay, Nostradamus, or others), the ironic and worrying potential is that their very making, or perhaps rather their interpretation, may cause them to become self-fulfilling as they work consciously or unconsciously within our hearts and minds. I suspect there was much divine wisdom when our Lord warned us that we would know neither the day nor the hour.
David - No, I did not answer your question, nor will I. When Tomas de Torquemada died, I don't recall your being named to head the Inquisition (what a show!). If you want to know what I believe you are welcome to come to mass here, to attend any class I present, or to read what I have written in our diocesan newspaper.
Or you can write your questions down in a letter (postal, not email), sign your name, and send it to me. I will answer.
Anon 2 - I wonder if you might reconsider the passage in your prayer that attributes disenchantment and hubris to our achievements in science and technology. It rings a little "Luddite" in my ears. I, for one, find the presence of God in these achievements.
Only if we allow these achievements to draw us away from a proper understanding of the source of truth, scientific and otherwise, or if we misuse these achievements, might we become susceptible to misunderstanding our place in God's creation.
Pater Ignotus,
Your point is well taken. I agree that my prayer could be read that way. So, now it is I who need to clarify and elaborate (here I refer to a comment in a later post on the “Chicken War” wondering whether it would be helpful for you and Father McDonald to elaborate upon your earlier comments).
In my original comment several weeks ago (to Father McDonald’s post of December 30, 2012 “Why Are Catholics Not Attending Mass . . . ?”) from which the language of my prayer is adapted I tried to explain that I was only questioning the disenchantment and hubris, not the many blessings that have also flowed from science and technology. Here it is again:
In his point XII Father refers to “total confusion of what the Mass is.” This certainly_approaches_the heart of the problem but I wonder if it is, in itself, the actual heart of the problem or whether it is rather a symptom of, and part of, a larger and even more fundamental problem.
Specifically, I wonder whether the heart of the problem is a larger metaphysical confusion and whether what is needed is not only a re-enchantment of the Mass but a re-enchantment of the world that seeks to overcome the disenchantment resulting from our achievements in science and technology, as manifested in both the material world and the social world, and from our associated human hubris.
Please do not misunderstand me here. This is not intended as an anti-scientific statement, a neo-Luddite statement, or a radical environmentalist statement, although it certainly has scientific, technological, and environmental implications. It is intended rather as an existential musing that questions our self-understanding and asks whether we need to recapture a necessary humility that properly recognizes the Creator, the awesomeness and mystery of Creation, and our responsibilities as stewards of Creation and its many gifts, remembering always that we are ourselves part of Creation and of those gifts. Once we get_this_right, perhaps the rest will follow.
Thanks for pointing out the need for clarification and elaboration. I suspect that, with this, we do not disagree.
I have already answered your question, Ignotus. Here it is again, a high percentage of Blacks (I do not know any African Americans) behave like beasts of the field. They may be seen on the news every night and in newspaper headlines every day committing various felonies, murdering people, rioting, organizing flash mobs, and various other anti-social feral behaviors. If this is how the liberal media (who love minorities) report them, then how much worse might it really be. Yep, feral minorities. That pretty much captures it for me. Now, see...wasn't that easy.
I have already answered your question, Ignotus. Here it is again, a high percentage of Blacks (I do not know any African Americans) behave like beasts of the field. They may be seen on the news every night and in newspaper headlines every day committing various felonies, murdering people, rioting, organizing flash mobs, and various other anti-social feral behaviors. If this is how the liberal media (who love minorities) report them, then how much worse might it really be. Yep, feral minorities. That pretty much captures it for me. Now, see...wasn't that easy.
Now, Ignotus is pulling a Millie on us. He refuses to answer a direct question about the bodily resurrection of Christ. But, that is fine. We already know the answer. Oh, and reporting him to the Bishop is like reporting the weasel to the fox for stealing chickens. Bishops are political animals and will rarely do anything to stir the waters. A Priest could probably walk down Mulberry at noon with Lindsay Lohan on his arm and nothing would come of it. If you are counting on Bishops to fix the Church, forget it.
Gene said: " If you are counting on Bishops to fix the Church, forget it."
Amen to that brother. Bishops are probably the biggest obstacle to a restoration of the True Faith in the Church today. Too busy being politicians.
Pin/Gene - So you call African-Americans a "feral minority." (Feral: "of, relating to, or suggesting a wild beast" or "of, or suggestive of, a wild animal; savage")
On September 12 you denied that this is a racist charsacterization of African-Americans, saying that "A racist is someone who believe that his race is inherently superior to all others."
Unless I am misunderstanding your use of "feral" as you speak of African-Americans, it would seem that you consider yourself superior to them, no?
Anon 2 - It is a symptom of a larger, more intractable problem. Good Father McDonald's analysis - "total confusion of what the Mass is" - presumes that there was a time when there was no confusion. In this peternatural epoch, mass attendance was high because there was no confusion about what the mass is. I would suggest there are much more fundamental factors that have given us our current reality, and "total confusion about what the Mass is" is not among them.
"Confusion" is a simplistic answer to a complex problem. Essentially it is ecclesiological populism, analogous to the Sarah Palin phenomenon and, historically, to the Huey Long experience. I think of it as "Tea Party thinking" - which many would consider oxymoronic, but I digress...
I am reading now Jonathan Haidt who seems to have a realistic grasp of contemporary struggles and who does not resort to simplistic thinking. He has a couple of vids at if you'd like a brief intro. Just search for Haidt.
It has been a very busy couple of days and I am only now able to catch up on Blog matters.
Many thanks for those thoughts and references, Pater Ignotus. I have now viewed a couple of the TED talks by Haidt that you recommended. I agree that they are interesting and that he is on to something important, although I will not follow his socio-biological approach to his own reductionist conclusion regarding religion (if I understand him correctly), and nor I suspect would you.
My own position articulated above has been much informed by Heidegger, in particular his “The Question Concerning Technology,” and I now need to consider how Haidt’s position can be synthesized with Heidegger’s position.
And yes, fellow Bloggers, I know that Heidegger is problematic in some ways (not least perhaps due to his rejection of Catholicism) but that is no reason, at least for me, to throw the baby out with the bathwater, any more than it is in the case of Haidt.
Thanks again, Pater Ignotus.
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