Please note altar arrangement (briefly in video) of Pope Francis' cathedral in Argentina:
"This is how to evangelize folks, you don't shove the faith down anyone's throat."
Agreed. Wholeheartedly agreed. I think for many, many Catholics, though, the opposite problem is manifest: what they take to mean "not shoving the faith down anyone's throat" tends to translate as bending over backwards to not "offend" anyone, whereby everyone else's traditions and beliefs are sacrosanct, but the tradition and belief of the Catholic Church are always and everywhere negotiable.
I will admit that one of the things I find frustrating and for which I pray for patience is that way too many Catholics think that "turning the other cheek" means that they ought to let the Non-Catholic steamroller them, emotionally blackmail them, or even bully them, all so that people "don't get the wrong idea" about Catholic tradition and the Catholic faith. Well, those non-Catholics are going to "get the wrong idea," anyhow, if you cannot explain-- gently and warmly, yes, but as firm as you are gentle and warm-- what the Catholic Church teaches and why she teaches what she teaches. If shoving the faith down people's throats is not the way to evangelize, what I've described above is the other side of the How Not To Evangelize coin.
I do, however, have confidence that this Pope advances apologetics without apology by his much-needed example of lived faith: in other words, he apologizes for his sins, and the past sins of the all-too-human members of the Body of Christ, but not for the existence of the Body of Christ and the faith that she has been given.
I wish I could've been able to give Benedict XVI a big hug (because he was so loving, and the love was there for anyone who cared to get to know him better), and I wish I could give this Pope a hug, too. I think that if John Paul II and Benedict XVI really taught us to know the faith on a deep spiritual and intellectual level, this Pope will show us how to share it.
A Church that is poor can no longer generate interest from people both outside and inside the Faith that flock to the Vatican and generate revenue which in the end winds up with the poor. It is a cycle and like it or not people go to the Vatican to see its' splendour and arts. Many are attracted to what some people call trappings. In turn they learn about the Faith and are drawn in. The trappings are but one tool in attracting converts. Once they are inside the Church and their souls have been saved it does not really matter how they arrived. But pretty sure if the whole Church dressed in simple robes, did away with their treasures, and only the simplest of liturgies were performed, less and less people would feel there is something to see in the Vatican. Less donations, less of everything. And the money being generated for the poor will dry up. You can work in the vineyard of the poor in red or brown shoes. Continuity in the office of the Pope should dictate this. Folks playing it off as if somehow red shoes cost more that brown is misleading. Either they are donated or paid for either way. Statements or gestures that pit one group of people in the Church against another is simply wrong. And if coming from a Pope will only lead to more confusion and disorientation from Pontificate to Pontificate. this is something to be concerned about. If Tradition and protocol can not be observed by a Pope then why should parishes follow? Or obey the GIRM? Or the Missal for that matter. Well you see the Pope doesn't, it is all an option. No folks, the messages here are not good. He is our Pope, but so far what he is teaching by action is deeply troubling.
We have to be be careful that Pope Francis' constant repetition of "the poor" doesn't turn this vague term into some kind of false idol.
Or that all the media's constant praising of Fran's "simple and humble" style becomes vain and egocentric.
As I have said before, helping the poor goes without saying for Christians. Worshipping the poor, however, is another matter. One might also bear in mind that there would likely be no Catholic Church if it were not for the rich and the middle classes who have obediently poured money into the Church for centuries.
Bear in mind also that the Left uses the "poor" and "minorities" as tools for leveling our society, destroying Western values and culture, and trying to bring about a mythical socialist utopia. Social justice and the egalitarian propaganda that goes with it is the slogan of the Left. In many cases, they have managed to co-opt the Church into supporting, inadvertently or otherwise, the very types of collectivist governments that the Catechism condemns. So, be suspicious, be paranoid, and be aware...
Indeed the rich and middle classes donate alot of monies to the Church which ultimately in part goes to the poor. Offending their sensibilities by suggesting even in the slightest way that it was not done up until this Pontificate is untruthful. The Catholic Church is the biggest Charitable Organization in the world. Perhaps they should have advertised or made more public this knowledge. Would be better for this Pontificate to point this out and then expand upon it. Not act as if social justice and works for the poor are a new, novel, modern idea coming from this new Pontificate. because that is how it is coming across.
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