This is powerful and convincing:

[The Holy Father] also warned that rejecting all that has been “handed down across the ages” brings only a “dangerous disorientation” and urged the synod fathers not to listen to “prophets of doom” but to keep their “gaze fixed on the good that ‘often makes no sound; it is neither a topic for blogs, nor front page news.”

[The Holy Father] also warned that rejecting all that has been “handed down across the ages” brings only a “dangerous disorientation” and urged the synod fathers not to listen to “prophets of doom” but to keep their “gaze fixed on the good that ‘often makes no sound; it is neither a topic for blogs, nor front page news.”
Talk about sowing confusion! This from the man who rails against "pelagians"?
Throwing a bone now and then confuses the dogs.
Speaking of "recommendations", will we now need to recommend a name change for "Knights of Columbus?" The new city of "South Fulton" (next to Atlanta) has changed the name of the holiday to "Indegenous Peoples Day". They say Columbus was a murderer. Golly, certainly would not want that associated with the legendary Catholic fraternal organization.
"Orthodoxy"---or "Eastern Orthodoxy" (as in the Eastern Orthodox Church)?
What is so orthodox about stopping investigations of pedophile cardinals? Physician heal thyself!
Man who speaks with forked tongue?
Bee here:
I just want to mention that although you may know that the person in the photo on the Pope's left in the photo is Cardinal Cupich, what you may not know is that the priest on the Pope's right in the photo is Fr. Jack Wall, who once ran Old St. Patrick's Church in Chicago...mecca to the Young Adult population of Chicago (during the 1980's) and mecca to the movers and shakers of Chicago business and politics (Mayor Daley and his family were parishioners.) The member list of the "Old St. Patrick's Emerald Society" read like the Who's Who Among Chicago Powerful, Rich and Famous Catholics.
Fr. Wall moved on to head up the Catholic Extension Society, who, "...with the generous gifts from our donors, we'll help these Catholics unleash a rich faith that transforms hearts, lives and entire societies."
Fr. Wall seems to have a pretty close relationship with Cardinal Cupich, because I often see Fr. Wall in photos of Cardinal Cupich. I find that interesting. Perhaps Fr. Wall is the conduit for the Cardinal to the rich and powerful in Chicago. And here Fr. Wall is, yuking it up with the Pope in Rome.
By the way, Fr. Wall is among those who preach the new gospel of love and mercy and inclusiveness, just like Fr. Pfleger.
God Bless.
Ins there a patron saint for "orthodox weather?" I am getting tired of this October resembling August...can't recall a summer that has dragged on this long---can't even get a night in the low 60s!!!
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