This is an article from Nova Scotia' Cape Breton Post about Canada's legalization of marijuana . My dad was from Judique, Cape Breton. His childhood friend was Buddy McMaster, a neighbor who was a world famous fiddle player.
As Catholics, I don't think there is any moral prohibition against the use of it as long as it is legal according to civil law and one uses it in moderation. In other words, the same rules apply to it as to alcohol consumption by Catholics.
The one thing this article doesn't describe is driving under the influence of pot. Law enforcement can tell what level of alcohol is in your blood to charge you with a DUI. How can they tell how high you are if you smoke pot?????
Is there a moral difference between the recreational use of pot and alcohol?
Cannabis rules: what to expect in Nova Scotia
Colin Chisholm
Published: Oct 12 at 12:44 p.m.
Scotia Liquor Corporation employee Dave MacPherson stands at the
entrance to Cape Breton Island’s first and only cannabis store.- David
WINDSOR, N.S. - Here's what you need to know about consuming marijuana products in Nova Scotia.
19 is the minimum age
Much like alcohol, if you want to consume, you'll have to wait until you're of age to do so.
And 19 is the legal age to use, buy, grow or possess cannabis in Nova
Scotia. Those under 19 who are caught with the substance, could face
fines up to $150 and/or criminal charges. Restorative justice programs
could come into play, depending on the person's age and circumstances.
If you're under 18 and in possession of more than five grams, you'll
be charged with a criminal offence, and will be prosecuted in the same
way as with youth drug possession.
Those over 18 in possession of more than 30 grams of marijuana could face charges under the federal Cannabis Act.
If you sell or provide someone under the age of 19 with cannabis, you could face fines of up to $10,000.
Where you can and can't smoke it
The Smoke-free Places Act will apply to all smoking of marijuana in
public. Basically, anywhere you can't smoke a cigarette, you can't smoke
a joint.
That means you can't smoke cannabis in any indoor workplace or public
place, outdoor licensed area or patio, restaurants, lounges or
There’s no smoking within four metres of windows, air intake vents or entrances to places of employment.
If you smoke within one of these restricted areas, you could face
fines of $2,000. Many municipalities are passing their own by-laws with
stricter rules, such as no smoking on sidewalks or in public parks. Some
municipalities have also promised to increase enforcement of existing
You will be able to consume marijuana in your own home, but, if
you're a renter, your landlord is legally allowed to amend your lease
and restrict the consumption or growing of cannabis.
Cannabis, in any form, is banned from being used in vehicles by
passengers or drivers. Fines of up to $2,000 could apply for consumption
in a vehicle.
Limited amount allowed
Adults over 19 will be allowed to have up to 30 grams of dried cannabis in public.
There are no restrictions on how much you can keep in your home, as long as it's for personal use.
There is a limit to how much you can grow: adults age 19 and older
will be able to grow up to four cannabis plants per household.
Each apartment in a house or building is considered a separate household.
Again, municipalities may pass additional bylaws that further restrict the cultivation of marijuana plants.
Where you can buy it
This is pretty easy. Basically, it's just the Nova Scotia Liquor
Corporation (NSLC), the only provincially-authorized retailer of
cannabis in the province.
Some stores will be branded to indicate that marijuana products are
available inside. Initially, these locations will be few and far
between, but the province is planning to roll out cannabis access all
over the province.
So far, in Nova Scotia those locations include: Amherst, Dartmouth,
two in Halifax, Lower Sackville, New Glasgow, Sydney River, Truro,
Yarmouth, New Minas, Bridgewater and Antigonish.
Cannabis can also be purchased online through the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation.
It will remain illegal to sell edible cannabis products at restaurants and markets.
Transporting it
Similar to transporting alcohol from the store to your home, cannabis
must remain in a closed, sealed package and out of reach of anyone in a
Fines of up to $2,000 can apply for improper transportation.
Medical marijuana will continue to be regulated and licensed in its current form.
As a police officer, I can tell you that we are trained to recognize impairment caused by marijuana and other drugs, and charging individuals for drug-related impaired driving is a fairly common occurrence. An individual who is under the influence of cannabis will show certain physical signs which are distinct from those under the influence of alcohol, unless he is also drunk, in which case it does not matter as we can simply charge him with alcohol-impaired driving.
Breaking news: Youth synod suggests cannabinol infused hosts in order to attract more young people.
As a police officer, I can tell you that we are trained to recognize impairment caused by marijuana and other drugs, and charging individuals for drug-related impaired driving is a fairly common occurrence. An individual who is under the influence of cannabis will show certain physical signs which are distinct from those under the influence of alcohol, unless he is also drunk, in which case it does not matter as we can simply charge him with alcohol-impaired driving.
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