It’s 4:00 AM and I am preparing for the day with exercise and prayer, but before I leave to exercise I drink coffee and watch Fox News and CNN News, primary examples of what the article I link below illustrates. Fox is all about bashing the left, in particular President Biden. CNN is all about bashing the right and making leftist points about abortion and the recent Supreme Court decision and linking a hurricane that wrecked havoc in the south and northeast to climate change or global warming but not explaining that in the history of the world there has been climate change usually caused by natural acts.
Thus politics of the right and left rule these elitists in the main stream media and they use their clout to manipulate those who can be manipulated.
In Rod Dreher’s new book political left, right threaten public religious practice

Since the left controls most US institutions, they are a far bigger threat. The demand for the "right" far exceeds the supply.
The threat to government and society from religious belief is that they cannot usurp or override it by authority. They can only attack its practice thereby weakening belief through decay of memory. I have to wonder if that is also the fear generated by the use of Latin and the old Mass.
What does the left want? Power. What is the power for? To abolish standards, in the Church that means the 10 commandments. Why? To more easily satisfy sexual appetites, and to acquire wealth. It has been going on for in and outside the Church. People want to do what they want to do everywhere and do not want to pay a price for selfish activities. In modern times the Church hierarchy decided to to join the fun (drug-fueled sex parties in the Vatican and elsewhere too, bishops oppressing hundreds of priest who speak out against such behavior or like to pray in Latin) and we recently heard reported the HF saying that he observes the 10 commandment of course, just not absolutely.
The right want the same thing: Power. Ostensibly to prevent the left from doing harm. Do not believe that either! Watch what they do not what they say!
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