Spin cycles surround Parolin’s ‘correction’ of Pope Francis

According to the report, Francis told his Slovak confreres that when he was hospitalized for colon surgery over the summer, “some people wanted me dead” and that some prelates even met at the time to organize a conclave, the event in which his successor will be elected.
That background explains why comments on Wednesday by Italian Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s Secretary of State and Pope Francis’s top aide, have become the hottest topic du jour on Italian blogs and in the media.
In effect, many commentators are suggesting Parolin disowned the boss, throwing cold water on the “enemies out to get him” aspect of the Francis narrative.
Parolin was asked about the pope’s words in Slovakia on the sidelines of a Rome summit of the European People’s Party, where Parolin had been invited to speak on the founding vision of the EU.
“The pope probably has information that I don’t have,” Parolin said in response. “I honestly had not sensed this climate,” he added, referring to the anti-papal sentiment Francis described.
“Not having evidence to hand, I think perhaps it was a thing that concerned few people, that a few people had got this thing in their heads,” Parolin said. “The pope probably made these statements because he has knowledge that I have not received.”
Parolin also said he was not aware of any meetings among prelates to prepare the next conclave.
So, the great debate of the moment is, what to make of all that?
Writing on the Italian version of the Huffington Post, veteran Italian journalist and Vatican-watcher Maria Antonietta Calabrò argued a great deal should be made of it, calling Parolin’s public correction of the pope “unheard of.”
Political theater in a politicized Church.
Hey you "prolife" Democrat voters, Nancy Pelosi, just rewarded your confidence in her!
Democrats passed the most radical pro-abortion bill in history on Friday — as Americans remain stranded in Afghanistan and the US southern border remains wide open to unvaccinated illegal aliens.
The new law legalized partial-birth abortion, dismembering babies, decapitating babies, and targeting babies in the womb for any reason.
And Nancy Pelosi cheered.
Well, once again TJM makes it clear that his support for Trump is based on far more than just the abortion issue.
As for the House bill, it is of no practical significance as it cannot pass the Senate. But it’s good fodder for the base and useful grist for campaigns in The Country of Permanent Election. To use Thomas Garret’s phrase, it’s just more political theater.
But again, and more seriously, do we really believe that the war over abortion can be won through government coercion? Or do we believe that it can only really be won by winning hearts and minds? Even if abortion were made totally illegal in a state, wouldn't women who seek an abortion still find a way to procure one, perhaps without even having to leave the state for a more abortion friendly one as the development of medication abortion illustrates?
Here is an interesting comparative perspective, examining the situation in Europe. The article offers something both for those seeking to outlaw abortion and for those supporting a legal right to abortion:
Your comment about me makes no sense. Fess up, these are the "reasonable" people you vote for.
NBC - another leftist news source. No wonder you "think" the way you do.
And Trump started no hot wars like Obama did.
The Holy Father's comments about some bishops wanting him dead were bizarre, to say the least.
If he was serious, then it's a very serious accusation, and he ought to say a LOT more. Spell out the accusation if you are going to bring it up.
On the other hand, if you weren't being serious, then it's a pretty nasty thing to say about people who...what? Disagree?
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