This from Edward Pentin of the National Catholic Register:
(And what's up with four red candles on the Advent Wreath?)
(And what's up with four red candles on the Advent Wreath?)
(Vatican Media handout)
BLOGS | DEC. 21, 2018
Pope Francis and Benedict XVI Exchange Christmas Greetings
The Holy Father’s customary visit took place at Benedict XVI’s Mater Ecclesiae residence
Pope Francis visited Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI this evening to give him his Christmas greetings and exchange gifts.
Francis was received at the Pope Emeritus’ Mater Ecclesiae residence in the Vatican Gardens at 6.15pm, the Vatican said.
Since his election, Pope Francis has traditionally paid visits to Benedict to exchange Christmas wishes.

Photos: Copyright Vatican Media
Francis was received at the Pope Emeritus’ Mater Ecclesiae residence in the Vatican Gardens at 6.15pm, the Vatican said.
Since his election, Pope Francis has traditionally paid visits to Benedict to exchange Christmas wishes.
Photos: Copyright Vatican Media
Dear Santa,
Please give us a new pope for Christmas. The one the Easter Bunny gave us 5 years ago is defective and doesn't work right. Thank you.
Bee here:
Gee, why didn't they just raid a donation box, or give their own cast off socks in them? Then I would know they are REALLY TRULY humble.
God bless.
Pope Benedict appears extremely frail. I cannot imagine him lasting much longer.
Red candles on the Advent Wreath are a German custom, I believe. That's where the whole Advent Wreath comes from in the first place.
Deo gratias that God has given unto us the great gift of the Papacy.
We are blessed to have His Holiness Pope Francis succeed Pope Benedict XVI.
The photo of two holy men together, Pope Francis and Cardinal Ratzinger, is beautiful.
Mark Thomas
When is PF going to do something about the cocaine fueled gay sex orgies at the Vatican? Or were these actions "inspired by the Holy Spirit" for which we are 'blessed' that PF has done nothing about it? Are vying to be the Catholic Church's "Baghdad Bob?"
Come on it's Christmas. Don't you have something to say about PF not dealing with the cocaine fueled gay sex orgies at the Vatican? We all need cheering up!
Still nothing to report?
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