Pope changes conclave rules, says cardinals can move up date of vote if all cardinals in Rome!
And the Dossier of the scandals in the Vatican itself and the conspiracies against His Holiness by people who are suppose to be supporting him will be given to the cardinals!
And a CNN reporter must be reading my blog as she describes all of this as "bombshells" and another CNN reporter says the pope is not going out quietly, to say the least, nor is he abandoning the Church as he told us yesterday!!!!!!!!!!! Stay tuned!
I think he should require that smoke of any color appear above the Sistine Chapel if a pope is not elected, and Lawrence Welk-style bubbles appear when one is elected.
Please Lord God, if it be according to your Holy Will,give your servent and Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI the courage to make his final heroic act of his papacy to supress the Bugnini-fabricated Order of the Mass, and replace it with the 1965 Order of the Mass in the current Ordinary Form Roman Missal.
St Jude, patron of hopeless and impossible cases, St Anthony saint of miracles, Archangel Michael, warrior saint of the Church, and St Pius X and St Pius V, papal saints of the Holy Mass, intercede in this urgent matter.
+ In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
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