Commonweal has an editorial on the papacy which you can read HERE, which quotes the following:
"The church is not the pope, and the pope is not the church,” theologian [Father] Joseph Komonchak reminds us (see “Benedict’s Act of Humility”). Amen to that. Komonchak also cautions about the “hullabaloo over the upcoming conclave,” urging Catholics of every theological and ideological disposition to place Benedict XVI’s surprise resignation in the broader and deeper context of the responsibilities every Catholic has for building up the church and spreading the gospel. Expectations for the papacy need to change.
Amen to that as well."
MY COMMENTS: I wish Fr. Komonchak would take it a bit further, not only is the Pope not the Church and the Church is not the pope, neither is the pope God nor is the Church God.
And you know what, the pope knows that! The question is, does the Church know that? Pope John Paul II stated emphatically that he has and no pope has the authority to change the Church's Tradition and discipline concerning the ordination of women to Holy Orders. Hear what the Holy Father is saying, he can't do that, he's not the Church and the Church is not him and he and the Church are not God!
This is quite healthy to say the least.
What else can't the pope do or the Church do since neither are God? They can't change Scripture, Tradition or Natural Law. Therefore they can't sanction the use of artificial contraception or abortion. They can't endorse or bless same sex unions or sex, any kind of sex outside of Church recognized marriage.
I wonder if Commonweal acknowledges this truth or do they think the next pope will think he is God? Time will tell.
From Commonweal? Almost shocking. there may be hope for them yet.
Isn't that one of those trashy leftie publications to avoid? I can't remember
Fr, Never say never. They have chnaged Tradition, they have changed natural law by legislative fiat and many in the Church would go along, and the more liberal paraphrases of Scripture have changed that, too...remember that horrid "Good News Bible" which paraphrased thusly, "...a young girl shall conceive and bear a son...." There is no bottom to what the progressive elements in the Church would deny, defile, or twist. Despite the whining and crying and hand wringing of the Catholic in name only PC crowd, we traditionalists are not nearly tough enough, aggressive enough, or mean enough.
You know, that second book cover is kind of telling. Accurate in a way, probably without really meaning to be.
Namely, that if one does not remain in full Communion with the Church-- the Body of Christ, not merely the building or the "organization"-- then one will definitely "die trying" to "survive in church."
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