The Liberation of Saint Peter…
Vidalia is about 75 minutes from Savannah. It is the sweet onion capital of the world, you pronounce it with the first “I” a long “I” and the “a” a long “a”. The policeman is my parishioner.
But they have a kool police kar logo, no?
Those onions are wonderful. Sliced thick on a sandwich or cooked down until they are nearly black for soup or a relish. Wonderful!
Kool Klever Kar and Kompletely delicious onion that Kannot be Kompared to any other!
I am not pulling over for an onion cop. Nope.
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Those onions are wonderful. Sliced thick on a sandwich or cooked down until they are nearly black for soup or a relish. Wonderful!
Kool Klever Kar and Kompletely delicious onion that Kannot be Kompared to any other!
I am not pulling over for an onion cop. Nope.
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