Just one more sign that the newly corrected English translation is paying off and forming Catholics as the old saying goes, the law of prayer is the law of belief: We had our school penance service this morning and one child came in and said, "Bless me father for I have GREATLY sinned..."
Of course we say that now with the corrected Confiteor. It's made an impression on her! Maybe we'll see an increase in confessions with that word and "through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault!"
I love it and hope we say it at every Mass!
The title of the post reminded me of when my daughter was 4 or 5. Normally I left her at home or with someone when I went to Confession, but this particular day I'd brought her with me. I got her situated in a pew then went to confess. After we left the church I asked her if she understood what I'd been doing. "Yeah," she replied, "you were bad and had to go to God's office." All I could say was "Close enough!"
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