So I flubbed some things at this morning at Saturday Mass with the corrected English translation. I reverted back to "cup" when I should have said chalice, but that is nothing compared to what I heard when I dismissed the congregation at the end of Mass.
I chose option "B" for the dismissal:
"Go and announce the Gospel of of the Lord."
And some responded:
"Praise to you Lord, Jesus Christ!"
That cartoon makes a point that has an ironic twist about it.
The biggest enemies of the return to tradition are aging Catholics. They cannot let go of their 60's and 70's mentality and seem to believe that the only true tradition is the "revolution" imposed upon us in 1970. Strangely, it is younger people who are more disposed and open to tradition and open to the new translation of the Mass.
Why can't the older people have more respect for THEIR elders, namely the Holy Father and the Fathers of the Church?
"There's something wrong with this microphone"
"And with your spirit"
We are of the same generation (born in the very late 1950's--early 1960's) and were in the first decade of our lives in the 1960's. You know I share your perspective and couldn't agree more!
Because of my age, when we learned history in school (both in Catholic grade school and in public high school), we usually didn't have the class time (or it simply wasn't in the book)to get much past the end of World War II or, maybe the early Cold War ("McCarthy") era. My knowledge of the 60's is mostly what I heard from a child's firsthand perspective (ie, my parents complaining about long hair on young men or Vietnam "draft dodgers" and the music). From my age perspective, I see the 60's as an aberrant period not to be emulated and revered but, rather, (with the exception of legitimate aspects of the Civil Rights Movement) a period to be put away in the history books in an effort to "move on." In "moving on" (especially as it pertains to the Church) this means resurrecting and re-examining our rightful and legitimate heritage as Catholics and profiting from the best of it in the present and future.
Do you like John Michael Talbot? He seems very folky to me. I tried to listen to him but can't. A little to John Denver for me.
John Denver is a good description. Every single song he sings sounds like every single song he sings--they're all alike.
John Denver had a song called "The Ballad of Richard Nixon", in which he spoke, "And now I'd like to sing a song about all the great things Richard Nixon has done for our country." Several moments of silence follow.
Below are the lyrics to a new number I've just put together, "The Ballad of Liberal Catholics":
"And now I'd like to sing a song about all the great things Liberal Catholics have done for the Church...
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