
Wednesday, November 16, 2022



Ready or not, this is a sign of the times and something we as Catholics must make peace. Is the Mormon solution a Catholic solution. Sounds like Pope Francis’ approach to me. What say you?

Mormon church backs same-sex marriage law, maintains relationships still sinful


SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints said Tuesday it would back proposed federal legislation to safeguard same-sex marriages, marking the latest show of support for the measure from conservative-leaning groups.

The nearly 17-million member, Utah-based faith said in a statement that church doctrine would continue to consider same-sex relationships to be against God’s commandments. Yet it said it would support rights for same-sex couples as long as they didn’t infringe upon religious groups’ right to believe as they choose.



TJM said...

Maybe they think if they do this, polygamy will be next!

rcg said...

@TJM 😂😂😂

That last sentence is the kicker. Of course the LDS will be promised that they can continue to worship as they believe. Until the government decides differently.

Tom said...

Moral schizophrenia!

Jerome Merwick said...

I have a hard time thinking of the Mormons as a "church". The LDS folks, at least to me, fit in the same column as Jehovah's Witnesses, except they have a bigger mantle of "respectability" to hide under.

I grew up down the street from a Mormon family. They were terrific people. They had a local business that everyone supported, they were friendly, generous, clean to a fault and they had eight kids! Everyone liked them. If likability and good example alone were the standard by which to judge a religion's validity, the LDS people would put the rest of us to shame.

But it's not.

When Mitt Romney ran for president, I had one reservation and I know it sounds mean, but here it is: How can any full-grown adult with a rational mind buy the entire Joseph Smith/Golden Tablets/Jesus as brother of Satan/ blah blah blah myth? There's just something too flaky about anyone who can actually believe such tripe with utterly NO evidence, NO miracle and NO CONSISTENT moral teaching. And that's just what Romney has proven himself to be--a big flake.

The Mormons would change their teaching on virtually ANYTHING, so long as it is in their financial interest. Why we're even wasting our time considering this cult is beyond me.

TJM said...

Most Mormons are very nice people, Harry Reid excepted

Bob said...

The problem has always been the State getting into the marriage business, when marriage is a sacrament.

The "marriages" the State performs are actually only civil business contracts which can be made and unmade by the contractees, and when dissolved, assests and liabilities split by contractual law.

The State and its members have that right.

The giant mess today is all caused by the State conflating "marriage" with "civil contract".

If Congress and the Supreme Court has simply used "civil contract" rather than "marriage" in their rulings and laws, there would be no threat to sacramental marriage and religious organizations which perform them.

Jerome Merwick said...

Yes, TJM, most Mormons are VERY nice people. I wish more of the rest of us under the umbrella of Christianity showed the same kind of general integrity that they show. But I cannot buy into their comic-book catechism.

The first time I ever walked into a Chick-Fil-A restaurant, the first thing I said was, "Whoa! Is this place part of the Mormon Church?"

Of course, that was before the American Left let us all know that the Cathy family, its owners are all "fascists" and "haters".