
Saturday, November 5, 2022


 From Bahrain National Stadium, Awali, Bahrain, Holy Mass presided over by Pope Francis

Love always

Jesus’ words today invite us to love always, said the Pope. "He knows that within our relationships there is a daily struggle between love and hatred", and in this way, too, within our hearts "there is a daily clash between light and darkness". With this in mind, the Pope noted that Jesus suffers when He sees, all around the world, "ways of exercising power that feed on oppression and violence, seeking to expand their own space by restricting that of others, imposing their own domination and restricting basic freedoms, and in this way oppressing the weak".  

The Pope went on to ask what we are to do in such situations, before responding that "the Lord asks of us not to dream idealistically of a world of fraternity, but to choose, starting with ourselves, to practice universal fraternity, concretely and courageously, persevering in good even when evil is done to us, breaking the spiral of vengeance, disarming violence, demilitarizing the heart". 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have been uplifted spiritually by the tremendous outpouring of love and respect that our brothers and sisters in Bahrain have showered upon the Vicar of Christ, Pope Francis.

The tremendous love that the Faithful in Bahrain have expressed to Pope Francis is in line with the following: Numerous surveys have noted that the overwhelming amount of The Holy People of God hold Pope Francis in high regard. That is evident whenever Pope Francis has been amongst his flock.


Mark Thomas