
Saturday, November 19, 2022



I had a brief meltdown about Holy Communion from the tabernacle during Mass, and for the laity, as being anathema to progressive liturgists who simply can’t tell us in any ontological way the difference between Christ and His one Sacrifice in the Hosts in the tabernacle, verses the Hosts consecrated at a particular Mass. I can’t really make a distinction. Is Christ and His sacrifice less efficacious  in differing Hosts? Would this be true, by receiving only a “speck” of a Host compared to a really large one like the priest consumes? 

Do they receive Christ more from a fragment torn off from a large loaf compared to already made mini hosts for the laity?

But when it comes to the exclusive emphasis on the Mass as Meal and not Sacrifice, the single most corrupt practice that has evolved as a part of the “spirit of Vatican II” is the ubiquitous “Communion Service.”

Communion Services were not held in the pre-Vatican II Church. A priest not only had to celebrate Mass so that people could receive Holy Communion at Mass (sometimes before or after given the role of person at the Mass) and only a priest or bishop could distribute Holy Communion—no one else.

Thus a limit was placed on who received Holy Communion outside of Mass. Normally only the hospitalized, homebound and dying could and only from a priest or bishop. 

Thus the laity did not expect that a service of some kind would be offered, when a priest was not available for Mass, that would allow them to receive Holy Communion outside of Mass.

But progressive liturgists and other left-leaning Catholics, want Communion Services, because anyone can lead it, meaning any lay person or a deacon. A lay person is preferable to them as this gives a more priestly function to a lay person and the Meal aspect of Holy Communion becomes the end all and be all of this kind of “Eucharistic” Liturgy. 

Thus, Communion from the tabernacle during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass isn’t the real enemy here. It is Communion Services!  

Just as an aside, which will make progressive liturgists really go crazy, at two papal Masses in St. Peter’s Square, I distributed Holy Communion. Pope Francis was the pope at both of these. Priests selected to bring Holy Communion to the throngs of people gathered, sat in a unique place near the right side door of St. Peter’s. As the Pater Noster began, we entered the Basilica to receive our ciborium of already consecrated Hosts placed on tables with altar clothes, and then together and in procession we left the Basilica and processed to our stations in the badlands of the square, the peripheries. And we began distributing Holy Communion even before the pope had received his! We did so during the Sign of Peace and the chanting of the Agnus Dei.

Progressive Pope Francis knows about this at his Masses!


John said...

Prior to V-2 we had rules to make sure all things would be done in a way that made sense. But in modern times rules are not accepted as a positive but something that "hinders" our creative impulses, and thus, a negative to be avoided. As with everything else today our desires must be satified neve mind the chaos created. It must be about US even if it demeans Him.

Bob said...

Communion Services seem ordered to those who think it a magic cookie, no sacrifice at the altar required, no priest required, just, "Gimme my magic cookie and I'm good and heaven bound."

Next stop, Ritz crackers and sealed grape juice cup. That mentality was quite apparent during covid shut-downs.