Last year's newly baptized, former catechumens at the Easter Vigil

This morning on the Solemnity of Christ our Universal King, we accepted our inquirers into the Order of Cathecumens (unbaptized) and Candidates, (baptized). We average every year about 30 candidates and this year is no different, we have 34 candidates.
Last year we had 17 to be baptized at the Eater Vigil, the most people I've ever baptized at the Vigil or any other time.
This year out of the 34 we only have three who are not baptized which will make the Easter Vigil a bit easier to celebrate logistically.
We began in the Social Hall at 9:15 PM with the candidates and their sponsors and others and welcomed them, accepted them and signed/blessed all their senses from head to feet!
At 9:30 AM we processed into Mass and after the homily we acknowledged them once again by name and gave them a cross to wear. We gave them the Catholic Bible earlier in the year.
Today we begin the dismissal after the homily where they go to the social hall to reflect more deeply on the readings of Mass and ask questions. This will continue through Palm Sunday.
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