
Tuesday, June 14, 2022



In the case of the Ukraine, as well as the Church, this ambiguity is a catastrophe for people on the ground. When liberal publications point out the obvious, we can truly say, “Rome, we have a problem!” One wonders if all this ambiguity and an intent to make a mess and call God the author of disorder isn’t a psychological issue having nothing to do with theology:

Ukrainians meet pope to bridge ‘ambiguous’ communication gap


TJM said...

As most of you know, I do not think PF is a capable Pope. However, criticizing him for his response to events in the Ukraine is unfair. Keep in mind there are Catholics in Russia. Why should the Pope add to their problems through strident statements? As a spiritual leader he needs to pray for the souls of all and do all he can behind the scenes to help. Recall he did go to the Russian embassy in Rome to protest the invasion. He is acting more in line with how Pius XII handled things in WW II. L
When the bishops of Holland publicly condemned the Nazis in WW II it resulted in Catholic converts being hauled off to the camps, including Saint Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein). In other words, be careful of what you wish for.

Michael A said...


Sorry, but we are in disagreement on this one. He should learn to keep his mouth shut on almost everything including this. There are few Catholics who remain in Russia because with the acquiescence of the Orthodox churches, Catholics were persecuted by the Czars and totally annihilated by the diabolical Bolsheviks.

What the Pope could have done is given a truthful history lesson on why Ukrainians and Russians are different people and should enjoy a separate but close relationship and the thing that differentiates them the most, is their chosen religion. Russians cling to the foolish choice of the nationalist Orthodox route while Ukrainians in the western part of the country accepted Catholicism. The independent spirit of the Ukrainians and the desire for more accountable regional government is what caused the genocide in 1931-32. What is happening now is just a new version of that slaughter.

Isn't it cute how the Pope can see the good in Putin, but only dangerous subversives among the scheming Latin Mass fanatics? There are no two sides to the story when it comes to reverential liturgy, but an invasion of a peaceful neighbor has nuance to it.