Too rigid!
So what’s left if both forms get suppressed?
She actually was NOT heckled out of Mass; there was an unrelated demonstration nearby that caused a concern for her security.
But get a load this: she was scheduled to be a lector at the Mass!
Father Fox,
Pelosi being a lector is a real scandal and I blame the hierarchy for allowing this scandal to go on. Yet the wonder why so many Catholics are just walking away
Father Fox,
It is a scandal Pelosi would be allowed to be a lector given her position on abortion. I blame the hierarchy for this . Yet they wonder why people continue to walk away. I remain a Catholic despite their moral cowardice
"But get a load this: she was scheduled to be a lector at the Mass!"
Boggles the mind that the priest celebrant would, for whatever reason, turn the celebration of mass into a spectacle by agreeing to have her lector (unless that priest just does not follow the news to know specifics beyond significant American politician).
All I need to see is that the Tabernacle is hidden somewhere. Maybe it's on the right side of this photo which would be somewhat tolerable, but having the center throne for the celebrant replace the rightful fulcrum for Christ is always a red flag and you can expect anything in a Church with this arrangement. Sadly most are like this.
This story is much worse than what you've shown here. I didn't know that she had a private audience with the Pope. I think it's time to invoke whatever canonical law there might be on the books to act immediately to remove this walking disaster. He was all smiles talking to Nancy as she parked her broom next to his desk. The true moral issues that are decaying our western civilization are of little importance to him. I recall Bernardine writing that "...aborion is just the tip of the iceberg, it's nuclear disarmament that is the iceberg..." Someone needs to do a DNA test on Frances to discover if Bernardine is in fact dead. Pope Francis, do you really care about any of the following: abortion, sodomy, transgenderism, religious bigotry or the disintegration of Christianity? Who does he have on his calendar next? Please don't tell me.
I'm not sure who you want to remove as a "canonical disaster," but I assume you mean Pope Francis. In that event, I will say: however bad an idea it was for him to give Speaker Pelosi a private audience, and a photo op, and whatever else happened, none of that disqualifies him as pope. I know that may seem a shocking answer, but stop and think about it:
Where is it written that the successor of St. Peter is not going to make terrible decisions about who he talks to, who he meets with privately, and who is poses with for a photograph?
We were never promised the successor of St. Peter would not make such decisions.
To make such bad decisions does not mean the charism of infallibility is not at work in him; because the pope is only infallible in certain, specified scenarios, and who gets on his calendar is not one of them.
Heck -- if the pope had asked me whether to meet privately with Speaker Pelosi, I can certainly think of a scenario under which that would be a very good idea. But he didn't ask, and I don't know what transpired.
I would be willing to bet real money that in all these centuries, popes have met with some real doozies -- and probably even smiled and made nice with them. I'm not saying I like it or that you have to.
I think the clue as to why this pope meets with sinners is making concrete his theology of encounter. With political figures, there is the danger of him being used—but I don’t think he cares about that. What he wants to do is to encounter people, even the corrupt, who nonetheless seem to be seeking the Lord in other ways. It is a mystery to me that one could advocate for abortion as a right and yet go to Mass and strive to be as active as one can be and be a political person. I can’t believe it is just for votes, but maybe it is.
I think this pope despises bishops who publicly humiliate sinners. I have to say that I am uncomfortable with bishops making a public spectacle out of correcting someone. I don’t know if Pelosi’s bishop has reached out to her privately to meet with her privately. Maybe he has and been rebuffed? But to then publicly shame her with a prayer campaign seems a bit too much for me. Meet her, ask her to repent and if she doesn’t simply issue a decree of excommunication and pray that she then can be publicly reconciled.
It appears to me that the pope meeting with Pelosi in such a public way is slam against her Archbishop in San Francisco. I think that kind of thing is untoward. If the pope has a problem with how the Archbishop is addressing this, call him on the phone, privately, and tell him. Maybe he has?
I can’t think of any parallel with Pope Benedict and liberal bishops some of which he did remove from office. Even when there was a spat between Cardinal Sedano and the Cardinal Archbishop of Vienna, Pope Benedict called them both to his office for a pow vow and kind of reconciliation—it was done in a very good way.
Father Fox,
I’m grasping for straws because I’ve had enough of it. Some trapdoor has to be found. I think the problem with good priests like you and Father McDonald who the pope calls rigid is that you’re too nice/charitable. I’m not too nice, so I have an alternative thought about why the photo op took place and what was discussed. It was done because he likes Nancy and they are kindred spirits. I think that before the exhaust fumes from the bristles of her broom faded in the sky the pope was on the phone to San Francisco to set her Archbishop straight. If hasn't had a few calls with him already.
Father McDonald,
Your elaborate explanation of him displaying that he’s getting the stench of Nancy on him as an example of pastoral care seems too farfetched for me. Call me a cynic but I’m not sure that you’re able to convince yourself of that one. The Vatican needs you in the press office ASAP because that's some of the best damage control I've read in his defense.
Father McDonald needs no defense from me, but I encourage you to remember the difference between "explaining" and "defending." I think Father McDonald's take on what the pope might be thinking is illuminating.
I have a friend who works in politics -- one of the very smartest people I know in any line of work -- and one of the things he does well, and tries to encourage other people to do, is exactly what Father McDonald did above: try to figure out what is the more likely account of how that person you disagree with thinks.
Yes, it is an exercise in charity; but it is also practical, because the more successfully you can get where that person is coming from, the more successfully you can anticipate what might be coming; and also, the more successfully you can deal with that person, if you must. I can tell you, in a parish setting, this is absolutely practical in how you deal with some folks who don't agree or like something you are doing.
The only other thing I will offer is this: there are way more things going on in the world, including in those parts of it that matter the most to me, than I can afford to be worked up about. Whether I'm worked up about the pope or not, how he sleeps won't change a whit.
Father Fox,
Thank you. I know I should refrain from anger and hatred. It would make me much happier if I could follow the rule of loving my enemies. Still working on it and will do so until I'm in the grave. I do believe that the pope we have now is an example of some of prophecies that have been given to us, the most recent I heard today is from Our Lady of Akita. Her words from 1973 seem most applicable now. God Bless You and Father McDonald. May God keep you both safe and protect your vocations.
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