This is not I. But I will wear rose today, but only briefly facing in the direction of this picture. But can you tell the tell tale sign that it's not me? Come to think of it, it would be easier to remain anonymous wearing pink today facing in this direction. What a great idea! These modern liturgists, what will they think up next?

What's wrong with this picture?
What's wrong with the picture? Let's see...oh, oh, I know! It is not "inclusive" enough...there are no statues of laughing Buddhist monks or Hindu gods with too many arms and legs by it, no Menorah, no Muslim stuff, no black Jesus, no American Indian totem poles,no witch stuff, and no generic statue for any other deities we may have missed. Also, there is no one dancing around it singing Kum Ba Ya. Yep, that's it...oh, the wrong candle is lit, too.
I think I've seen that picture before. Seems like our family had a laugh with it once before.
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