This is from Catholic World News:
Catholics in Scotland may need tow marriage ceremonies, one secular, one religious, is a law recognizing same sex marriage is enacted, the newly installed Archbishop of Edinburgh has said.
Archbishop Leo Cushley told an interviewer that it is "not impossible to imagine" a situation in Scotland similar to that of France where Catholic couples have one ceremony at a town hall and another completely separate church wedding. "We would always bless Christian marriages," the archbishop said. "It's whether or not we would bless them in conjunction with the state."
Scottish law currently allows for aCatholic priest to act as an "authorized person," witnessing a marriage for the state. Priests may no longer be able to serve in that role if government agents are expected to officiate at same-sex unions.
MY COMMENTS: I have said this too. Why should I act as a government agent and sign government documents stating someone is legally married by me? When the government respects religion that might be okay. But as we are seeing, the government doesn't respect religion and wants to establish itself as the religion of the land.
Living here in Rome, we know how secular rulers of the past began a cult of worship surrounding themselves and their court. Nothing is new under the sun.
So let the state do the legal thing and the Church do the religious sacrament or union. Keep it separate. Then no president or state governor can tell a minister or priest that they, as an agent for the state, must perform same sex unions or not be allowed to do any weddings. In fact, now that I write that, if they did tell us that, that would solve the problem. We could still convaldiate marriages of one man and one woman in the Church.
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