
Tuesday, March 29, 2022



Priests Accused of Abuse Returned to Ministry Without Involving Law Enforcement, Says Former Albany Bishop


TJM said...

Father McDonald,

This bishop has a lot of baggage. I will say no more about him.

If these bishops had taken Catholic Church teaching seriously and coupled it with common sense the Church would not have suffered such a scandal and shed so many Catholics. If my bishop had discovered a priest had been preying on young boys and promptly called the authorities, most of us would have cheered the bishop and rewarded him with higher donations! Ironic that trying to avoid “scandal” created real scandal. Idiots

monkmcg said...

Still, no acknowledgement from either the reporter or the bishop, that there is a problem with homosexual clergy. Over 80% of these cases are male on male and they will not address that aspect. The "nationally accredited" means nothing - the psychological profession sees nothing wrong with same sex attraction. He is following the public relations mantra of "only own up to what is already known" hide the rest.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

M what you say is true. But, just think about how trusting parents were to entrust their sons to priests to go with him any and anywhere with him without other chaperone. I’m fact some parents were quite willing th let problem sons live with the priest, especial single mothers. Do you think these same parents would allow their daughters the same liberties?

While immature, predatory homosexuality and heterosexuality is certainly a cause, so was the total lack of protocols about priestly relationships with minors. Virtus programs and others like it are helping to address being too trusting of priests’ motives and asking everyone to be vigilant about signs leading to predatory behavior.

And while priests can be predatory and there is a power differential, the taboo topic today is the well sexually experienced teenager, homo or hetero, who can be a predator or initiator. Taboo subjects contribute to on going injustice in many areas.

TJM said...

Father McDonald,

Yes, there are highly sexually precocious teens. Richard Sipes wrote about that in his studies on clerical sexual abuse, but the adult is still the adult. The Church failed to adhere to its own teachings on sexual morality and instead of disciplining the miscreants moved them around to avoid "scandal." The real scandal resulted from their corwardice and attempt to avoid "scandal."

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

True enough TJM and Hubbard’s testimony points to the corruption you cite. But the other question asked is why more boys wee abused than girls. The answer is that parents would not trust a heterosexual priest the same liberties with their daughters. Surely that cut down on potential immoral sexual behavior with girls.

For a predator, opportunity is everything. And with boys there was abn abundance of it.

Also sexuality is fluid. Think of Boy Scouts abused by male leaders. Often these men were married and with children. Think of prison sex in male prisons..opportunity….not necessarily orientation.

TJM said...

Father K,

Yes, situational homosexuality. On The Golden Girls an actor playing a psychologist was asked, why do men do it? He responded, “because men are pigs!”

Terry Nelson said...

Fr. - So glad you said the following: "And while priests can be predatory and there is a power differential, the taboo topic today is the well sexually experienced teenager, homo or hetero, who can be a predator or initiator. Taboo subjects contribute to on going injustice in many areas."

Fr. Groeschel said something similar years ago and everyone got upset with him. But it is the truth and it is clearly a taboo subject. Of course the adult in the situation is the responsible party - the point you make is valid and it is completely rejected.

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Regarding the supposedly "taboo" subject of precocious minors - it is completely irrelevant.

Banks have lots of cash that is attractive to robbers. Do we blame the bankers for robbery?

A person leaves her keys in the ignition of her car. Not a good choice, but is she to blame for the car being stolen?

A minor is flirtatious with a cleric. The cleric bears 100% of the responsibility for ANY inappropriate response.

I don't reject the concept of a minor initiating contact. But in terms of law and morality it simply doesn't matter.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

So, what you are saying is that when a 16 year old plans a cold blooded murder of a peer or of parents he isn’t responsible. I get it. It doesn’t matter since he’s a minor.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Also, I believe that both in civil law and Catholic morality, extenuating circumstances can be taken into account concerning culpability and length of punishment.

You must not have seen the Summer of 42 when a teenage boy flirts with an older married woman whose husband is off to war. They have intercourse toward the end of the movie and it is applauded as a coming of age movie for this teenage movie and the movie continues to win accolades.

TJM said...

Father McDonald,

You are familiar with statutory rape. Even if the under age women consents, the State, for prudential reasons, voids her consent, and holds the above age male responsible. A cleric who has sex with an underage person, no matter how willing the underage person, bears the legal consequences. Now keep in mind this may all go out the window as the political left is trying to normalize pedophilia a la Disney

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

"So, what you are saying is that when a 16 year old plans a cold blooded murder of a peer or of parents he isn’t responsible. I get it. It doesn’t matter since he’s a minor."

Nope, that's not what I am saying - at all.

The person of age who gives in to the flirtations of a minor is 100% responsible for his or her choice.

The person who is killed by a minor does not, I strongly suspect, gives in to the murderous intentions/actions of that minor.

BIG difference.

Yes, I have seen Summer of '42. Yes, it is a great movie that deserves accolades. That praise is for the film, not for the illicit relationship in the film. (I can praise a production of Macbeth without lauding the murders of King Duncan, Banquo, Lady Macduff, Macduff's son, and Duncan's two chamberlains.)

Commenting on "mitigating circumstances" in cases of statutory rape, Britton Guerrina writes: "This Comment argues that it is inappropriate for courts to consider victim conduct when determining the appropriate level of punishment for statutory rape defendants. Victim conduct is a poor indicator of defendant culpability. It often does not indicate that the young female was capable of making an informed decision to have sex or that her decision was not coerced. Considering victim conduct in making punishment decisions inappropriately
focuses attention on the propriety of the female victim's conduct rather than on the culpability of the defendant."

As for movies that tell the tale, you should watch "The Accused" from 1988 about the rape of Sarah Tobias, played by Jodie Foster.

TJM said...

Off topic a bit, but more from "Catholic" Joe Biden:\

"President Biden's administration has released a series of documents encouraging gender-reassignment surgery and hormone treatments for minors.

The Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Population Affairs released a document Thursday titled "Gender Affirming Care and Young People." The same day, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's National Child Traumatic Stress Network – another subset of the HHS – released a parallel document titled, "Gender-Affirming Care Is Trauma-Informed Care."

What would Pope Francis say?

Michael A said...


The quote/idea is exactly on topic. Interesting how the law places fault only on the adult in the case of underage sex, but a 16 year old has full rights to change his/her sex and supposedly possesses the full understanding of what he/she is doing. Try to reconcile these absurd contradictions.