
Friday, March 11, 2022


 Video from the reeducation camp for Extraordinary Mass goers.....


Jerome Merwick said...

What I find most revealing is that this post has been up for two days and NO ONE has come forward to defend this garbage. And you can tell me I'm exaggerating, but I am not. These two videos are actually pretty much on-target and illustrate beautifully the kind of CRAP, yes, CRAP faithful Catholics suck up and ignore when they drive to Novus Ordo Land every week. If only this WAS the exception more than the rule.

But it is not.

TJM said...

These youtubes capture perfectly while millions have walked away from the OF. If anyone knows of a priest who has been reprimanded or suspended by his bishop for liturgical abuses in the OF I’d be interested

the Egyptian said...

I checked out their youtube site, I'd say that are correct, the "anything goes" NO is a disaster

TJM said...

I think when certain bishops and priests meet St. Peter they will not be happy

ByzRus said...

In many places, Truth! The Novus Ordo cafeteria is seemingly overwhelmed with myriad of saccharine options on its menu. The sad reality is that I'm not sure the overwhelming majority of adherents really know what they are participating in anymore their formation is so weak. An avalanche of pastors, particularly in the northeast, are nearing retirement and until then, are just trying to operate in the black. Where operating in the black has become impossible, merge the hell out of the parishes that are left while trying to create a facade of vibrancy.

Jerome Merwick said...

One of the points the first video really drives home is the distorted sense of self-importance many members of parish "music ministries" have. They operate as if they literally think that Mass could not go forward unless they were there to lead us in their Merry Melodies.

At the Church I attend, I REFUSE to sing this rubbish. I am not opposed to singing at Mass, but I only do so when they actually play Catholic hymns. And the ONLY people I ever notice singing along with these "music worship leaders" are old women. Very old women.

About a year ago, I believe at a Mass for the Assumption, the closing hymn was "Immaculate Mary". I sang and I sang loudly. An older woman who usually sits near me said, "You have such a nice voice." I don't know if I do or not, but more people might actually sing if they quit playing all this Glory and Praise crap and stopped "peforming" (applause at Mass makes me grind my teeth). Give us some CATHOLIC hymns, please--something not composed to be contemporary and something not penned by homosexual heretics.

TJM said...

Jerome Merwick,

I was in music ministry (cantor, choir member, and organist) for over 40 years (I was a talented amateur, law was my day job). One Sunday, I sat in the back for the heck of it. As I looked around, virtually NO one had picked up the hymnal and as I got up and walked towards the sanctuary it was very apparent that only the singers in the sanctuary and a few others up towards the front were singing that Sunday's helpling of dreck. I pointed this out to the head of music, but it fell on deaf ears. Agenda uber alles! Shortly thereafter, I left that parish.