
Monday, March 7, 2022


Somehow, many of us in leadership positions in the Church think if everyone has an “intellectual” understanding of the Mass then everything will be clear and everyone will be engaged in the Mass.

While knowledge of the rites is needed, that isn’t enough. An atheist could know and understand every aspect of the Mass, including transubstantiation, and still remain an atheist. And that atheist could actively participate in the Mass with robust singing and speaking and still be an atheist. 

What must we do to form people of faith not just of knowledge (gnosis)? 

It is how the Mass is celebrated which has to create wonder and awe in those who actually participate through faith, hope and love, which are gifts from God! 

How is all of this accomplished?

There must be an experience of wonder and awe that goes beyond intellectual description or knowledge of the rites of the Mass.  


Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

"Fides quaerens intellectum" means "faith seeking understanding" (St. Augustine)

There is no dichotomy between having a sense of awe and having a deep understanding of that toward which awe draws us.

Having a sense of awe and wonder at mass does not cancel out nor supersede having a deep understanding of mysteries celebrated.

TJM said...

Yet only about 30 percent of OF attendees believe in the Real Presence. Sounds like there a lot of folks attending Mass who lack any understanding of the mysteries celebrated. I blame the manner in which the OF is typically celebrated for this deficiency. Strange almost all EF attendees believe in the Real Presence. You would think Church "leaders" would begin to see a connection and get right on fixing the OF.

V for Vendee said...

Father check out this NO mass. We must get rid of the Mass of the Ages so we can have more of this.

William said...

Holiness cannot be faked. Mass is no longer holy; and in many cases, it's become down right pedestrian. Until the sense of the sacred is restored to the New Order of Mass, the decline in worship and in the number of worshipers will continue.

TJM said...

V for Vendee

I would not go anywhere near that priest. Creepy

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

If you watch the brief facebook video from a recent episcopal ordination at St. Patrick’s, there is no hint of the sacred in the processional. Even Pope Francis would be aghast at it and the celebrity status of those to be ordained and the other bishops and the people in the pew seem to be groupies not the Faithful who know why they have gathered for Mass. This is a coronation and a spectacle but with no dignity or majesty! It is a sham and it is the cult of the personality and for the Cardinal Archbishop to be blowing kisses in the procession is unseemly.

But and this is the big but…That congregation loves it. They want this and the clergy, bishops and cardinals know it and they know how to play to their fans and fans these people are.

It’s the ethos of the post Vatican II reforms that allows for this and actually encourages it. And yes, that’s the problem!

TJM said...

Father McDonald,

Cardinal Dolan acted like a buffoon, and on balance, has been a huge disappointment. He's one of those "go along to get along" types.

Every one of these bishops should be forced to watch at gunpoint, if need be, the consecration ceremony in Otto Preminger's "The Cardinal" if they want to see how things should be done.

V for Vendee said...

TJM I was mocking this Priest of the Novus Ordo. Funny that Father McDonald used a New St. Thomas Institute photo from Taylor Marshall who shared that sacrilegious video link on his channel.

Father McDonald many of our clergy act like rock stars. Many in the Freddie Mercury vain of stardom or might I say Elton John.

Good thing our diocese has many faithful priests and I pray that Bishop Parkes stays strong against Satan and continues to Defends our Faith.