This CNN story, exceptionally well done, tells the story of a real priest who is also an exorcist. I wonder if what broke in 2002 in the Catholic Church is related to what this news story reports in terms of events that have happened since the turn of the century. CNN reports, you decide!
Father, you asked for our opinion in your headline, and that's all this is, so take it for what it's worth.
Historically and Biblically, when God begins to clean house, He starts with His own people. The sex abuse scandals are far worse than people can begin to imagine, yet, at the same time, I can say that they are also limited to a very small percentage of priests. Statistically, children are in far more danger with a public school teacher than with a priest. However, what the public actually knows about clerical sexual abuse is only the tip of the iceberg. There are scores of people who never came forward because they fear public humiliation. There are scores of victims who were quietly paid settlements and fear losing or owing the money because they were manipulated into signing confidentiality agreements that protected the names of the priests, bishops and dioceses involved. Many of the victims committed suicide, silencing the horrors of the crimes committed against their innocence.
Most priests are good men. Most bishops truly want to do what is best for the Church. However, those who were not good men and those who had other agendas were bound to be found out at some point. I don't see how anyone can look at the scandals and not think it was God's judgment. But our God of perfect justice is also a God of mercy. Whatever sins we witness in our priests, bishops or neighbors are all warning signs that call all of us to personal repentance. Tomorrow is a great day to start. Even better, why wait? We know not the hour.
Robert Kumpel said, “Most priests are good men. Most bishops truly want to do what is best for the Church.” I agree as to the priests, but one need only to look at the antics of the USCCB to cast warranted doubt about the bishops. If most of them truly wanted to do what is best for the Church, they could easily do so. Good or bad, they are intelligent able men whose actions and inactions must be judged as deliberately ordered to the resulting ends.
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