A certain blog that will go unnamed has so much negativity, gloom and doom about the upcoming new translation of the English Mass. Granted there are some prayers that the priest will pray that could have been translated better. But overall it is vastly superior to the current English translation we have. By this I mean that it has a "sacred sounding" character to it even in the prayers that I would have ordered or phrased differently. It is not everyday speak. For me and for many (the multitudes) that's a vast improvement. But not "all" will be saved by this translation, although it is offered to all, only many will accept it as I have.
Remember the movie, "The Mission" which had some pretty awesome and haunting music? The video below is evidently an advertisement for a catechetical program to implement the new translation come November 26/27,the First Sunday of Advent. Its music is rather dramatic. But the changes we will have in the English Mass are very dramatic too.
As you know I am clairvoyant, but maybe I'm not, but I predict that the new translation will radically alter the "Kumbaya" approach that so many have to the Mass, much of it based upon a "dumbed" down English, Kumbaya sounding translation. I wonder too, if our hymnody will change to a higher type with this new translation. I just can't see singing "Blest Be the Lord" and the new more formal sounding English. These two genres simply clash, crash and burn. But with that said, I am so excited! Are you?
I am excited, as I have been excited, since I first heard the date for transition to the new Missal. Being old enough to have been raised with the Latin Mass, it is all the more exciting to me that we will be returned to "and with your spirit" in place of the "and also with you", the reason for which I could never imagine.
Progress is progress, and though the post Vatican II changes rapidly wreaked havoc in the liturgy, we must be content with a slower recovery. I pray for Pope Benedict, and for the success of his changes, which have so far mostly passed unnoticed in the Archdiocese of Atlanta.
Hey Father. Cute one! “For me and for many (the multitudes) that's a vast improvement. But not "all" will be saved by this translation, although it is offered to all, only many will accept it as I have.” So, there’s a difference between redemption and salvation; don’t tell the once-saved-always-saved folks.
Our parish is getting energised about it, too. I have not heard much in the way of positive or negative, a few comments about knowing how to respond at certain points. We are as 'Progressive' as you can get in many ways. It my give many of our lay bishops a thing or two to think about.
I and pumped and going to seek out the new missal.
Well I'm excited. This may be the last hope for redeeming the NO Liturgy. If it can be reshaped into some sense of the Sacred Experience that the EF is, then there is hope for the continued survival of the Faith as more than a marginalized fringe of Society. The real test will come from the recalcitrant "spirit types" in the Clergy.
Hehe, Pro Multis indeed.
Templar, you mention "spirit types." There is kind of an "Enthusiast" aspect to all this dog and pony show in the OF as it is celebrated by some of the "progressive" Priests. I never thought about it that way.
We should all be excited for a number of reasons. As long as we have faith, even the grimmest of circumstances are only a screen behind which hides hope.
Now let Advent hurry up and get here.
Maybe the "spirit types" should take or review Latin so they can understand that "active" and "actual" are quite different adjecives when applied to participation during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
Burke-Man, LOL!
That little commercial should get anyone excited!
I wish I could get excited, but the priest who is charged with implementing it in my diocese was fired from translating the CCC from French into English. My pastor who is enamored with the spirit of Vatican II is supposed to recommend implementation methods in my deanery.
On paper it's something to be excited about, but I sure hope that the local spinmeisters don't spoil it.
In that pic of the Pope, it looks like he is saying to someone, "Hey, you! I'm talking to you!" Maybe he is speaking to Ignotus...LOL!!!
No mention of it whatsoever in our parish in the Garden City up here. I am not sure why.
YIKES, I've been talking about it here and writing about it here for the past three years!
Dissenter: Your charge that Fr. Doug Clark was "fired" from his job as translator of the CCC is false. And it is a calumny against Fr. Clark.
FrAJM, you ought not post calumnies against priests of your own diocese on your blog.
Fr. Clark did exactly as he was directed by the Holy See, following the translation rubrics he was given.
Only after his work was done did the Powers That Be decide to use a different set of translation rubrics.
The pastor of MHT, Fr. Michael Kavanaugh, has presented to the priests of the Augusta Deanery an implementation timetable, based exclusively on that which is recommended by the USCCB.
Look for the implementation in a parish near you.
Fr. Ignotus why not speak in your own name?
You mean, Fr, Kavanaugh.
Perhaps he has leaned so far left he has fallen off the blog. Or, perhaps he had difficulty walking the tightrope of lip service on the one hand to heterodoxy on the other hand, lost his balance and fell off the blog.
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