
Tuesday, January 21, 2020



Anonymous said...

Rome, bishops drinking one after the other from a common cup.

Are they all dead now? Have the come down with horrible communicable diseases?

Enquiring minds want to know...

Anonymous said...

So... business as usual then? The omertà continues as before.

rcg said...

This is scary and the BS evades me completely. How can the same Pope that seeks to discern the space between the dots of an ellipsis be confounded his clergy covering up child rape and using North American seminaries to funnel sex traffic? What broader picture softens Mr. McCarrick’s offenses except the threat of something larger and more terrible that must be hidden? He didn’t need to ask the Pope if he was the last person on earth to notice McCarrick’s activities. He needed to tell Pope Francis that inaction and pseudo sophistication has destroyed confidence in the clergy.

And just what is the retirement pay of a bishop or cardinal? Why do they persist in these faith charades and not just hang it up and move into a condo in Florida with some boyfriends? They would be heroes to most of the public and if they needed some cash to pad the retirement they could put on their old vestments and hire out as the grand marshal in the local mummers parade.

What is Bishop Strickland afraid of?