
Sunday, January 26, 2020


Two altars, two ways of celebrating Mass. When "new and improved" is an epic lie foisted on the Church by unscrupulous room decorators and unscrupulous liturgical theologians.


Bob said...

I see the altar in the improved church shrouded in shadow in the back.

But what is the wet bar doing in the nave, and it is not much of a bar with no TVs...or is that a modern dining room suite? They are so similar I often get them confused, but definitely Scandinavian, I can tell.

The Egyptian said...

at least they retained the original altar, here in the north of Cincinnat diocese a beautiful church, St Henry, at St Henry, Ohio was recovated, the old "high" altar was ripped out and the huge pipe organ was installed in it's place, the recovation was directed by the diocease offices as an example, of what I don't know, almost makes you want to cry!!


Anonymous said...

Unscrupulous room decorators. I like that phrase! Some people have a need to stand out in front and sit in committees. They need to be seen and heard. I see and hear them all the time, now I know what to call them. They are The Unscrupulous Room Decorators. Kind of like elves, but much more damaging.

rcg said...

Bob, you are showing your age. No one watches television anymore, all they need is WiFi and everyone can stream NETFLIX on their phones.