
Monday, October 2, 2023


The Dubia Cardinals were not satisfied by Pope Francis gracious answers and thus demand a “yes” or “no” response, which more than likely will not be answered, nor should the pope be boxed into doing so. Just my most humble opinion.

The Pillar has an English summary of Pope Francis’ gracious answers, which in the original response is in Spanish. The pillar has a link to the Spanish text of Pope Francis:

The Vatican released the pope’s seven-page response to the initial dubia following their publication Oct. 2.

1. The response, which opened “Dear brothers,” addressed the five July dubia one by one, beginning with the first question, “about the claim that we should reinterpret Divine Revelation according to the cultural and anthropological changes in vogue.”

Answer: The pope offered an eight-part reply, in Spanish, which began: “The answer depends on the meaning you give to the word ‘reinterpret.’” If it is understood as ‘to interpret better’ the expression is valid.” 
It continued, citing the Vatican II document Dei Verbum: “In this sense, the Second Vatican Council affirmed that it is necessary that with the work of exegetes — I would add of theologians — ‘the judgment of the Church may mature.’” 

2. In response to the second question, on “the claim that the widespread practice of the blessing of same-sex unions would be in accord with Revelation and the Magisterium,” the pope wrote: 

Answer: “The Church has a very clear conception of marriage: an exclusive, stable and indissoluble union between a man and a woman, naturally open to the begetting of children. Only this union is called ‘marriage’”

He went on: “For this reason the Church avoids any kind of rite or sacramental that could contradict this conviction and give the impression that something that is not marriage is recognized as marriage.”

“In dealing with people, however, we must not lose pastoral charity, which must permeate all our decisions and attitudes. The defense of objective truth is not the only expression of this charity, which is also made up of kindness, patience, understanding, tenderness and encouragement. Therefore, we cannot become judges who only deny, reject, and exclude.”

“Therefore, pastoral prudence must adequately discern whether there are forms of blessing, requested by one or more persons, that transmit a mistaken conception of marriage. Because when a blessing is requested, one is expressing a request for help from God, a plea to be able to live better, a trust in a Father who can help us to live better.”

 Concluding his answer with reference to his 2016 apostolic exhortationAmoris laetitia, the pope said: 

“Decisions which, in certain circumstances, can form part of pastoral prudence, should not necessarily become a norm. That is to say, it is not appropriate for a Diocese, an Episcopal Conference or any other ecclesial structure to constantly and in an official way enable procedures or rites for all kinds of matters, since everything that ‘is part of a practical discernment in particular circumstances cannot be elevated to the level of a rule’, because this ‘would lead to an unbearable casuistry.’” 

“Canon Law should not and cannot cover everything, nor should the Episcopal Conferences claim to do so with their various documents and protocols, because the life of the Church runs through many channels in addition to the normative ones.”

3. Responding the third question, about whether synodality is a “constitutive element of the Church,” 

Answer: The pope wrote: “Although you recognize that the supreme and full authority of the Church is exercised either by the Pope because of his office or by the college of bishops together with its head, the Roman Pontiff …, nevertheless with these dubia you yourselves manifest your need to participate, to give your opinion freely and to collaborate, and thus you are claiming some form of ‘synodality’ in the exercise of my ministry.”

He went on: “The Church is ‘mystery of missionary communion,’ but this communion is not only affective or ethereal, but necessarily implies real participation: that not only the hierarchy but all the People of God in different ways and at different levels can make their voices heard and feel part of the Church’s journey. In this sense we can say that synodality, as a style and dynamism, is an essential dimension of the life of the Church.”

But he said this was quite different to trying “to sacralize or impose a particular synodal methodology that pleases one group, to make it the norm and obligatory channel for all.”

4. Replying to the fourth question, about support among pastors and theologians that priestly ordination can be conferred on women following a change in the Church’s theology, 

Answer: The pope stressed that “when St. John Paul II taught that it is necessary to affirm ‘definitively’ the impossibility of conferring priestly ordination on women, he was in no way belittling women and giving supreme power to men.”

Referring to Pope John Paul II’s 1994 apostolic letter Ordinatio sacerdotalis, Francis added: “On the other hand, to be rigorous, let us recognize that a clear and authoritative doctrine about the exact nature of a ‘definitive statement’ has not yet been exhaustively developed. It is not a dogmatic definition, and yet it must be adhered to by all. No one can publicly contradict it and yet it can be the subject of study, as is the case with the validity of ordinations in the Anglican Communion.”

5. In answer to the fifth question, about whether repentance is a necessary condition for sacramental absolution, 

Answer: Pope Francis wrote: “Repentance is necessary for the validity of sacramental absolution, and implies the intention not to sin. But here there is no mathematics and once again I must recall that the confessional is not a customs house.” 

“We are not owners, but humble stewards of the Sacraments that nourish the faithful, because these gifts of the Lord, more than relics to be guarded, are aids of the Holy Spirit for people’s lives.”


Tom Makin said...

This is ridiculous at this stage. On top of that, talk about threading the needle and playing fast with words....typically Jesuit in nature I might add. Why bother at this point to re-visit other than to essentially say 'I'm the boss' which he is by the way. This response, through the new lackey Cardinal Ladaria, is insulting at best and completely disingenuous in tone. Good luck fellas!

TJM said...

What the Pope did not say is homosexual relations are intrinsically disordered and sinful, so only a nutcase would expect us to bless these unions. He left the door open. Typical Jesuit. So Little "Father" Martin, SJ, LGBT will spout the Pope is with them. There is nothing pastoral about condoning sin.

Daniel said...

The following quote is from a Kathleen on Fr Hunwicke's blog Mutual Enrichment:

"Apparently, it's all up to Francis, who speaks 'synodally'....but acts unilaterally."

Anonymous said...

To my eyes, the first response fails to "let their yes be yes and their no be no" and runs head-long into Jesuitical sophistry. When it takes a dozen or more pages to answer what could be answered much more simply raises alarm bells for me and, I imagine, plenty of others.

I wonder why they released it? It's a worse look than just saying, "We answered their dubia and they didn't like our answers, so now we're being harassed to give the answers they want to hear."


Fr. David Evans said...

Matthew 5:37

Catechist Kev said...

@ Nick and Fr. Evans,

That was my first thought, too. Not much "strengthening the brethren" here.

TJM said...

The papalator is searching for cut and paste non sequiturs to support his Golden Calf

Mark Thomas said...

Kathleen on Fr Hunwicke's blog said that Pope Francis speaks 'synodally'....but acts unilaterally."

I have read Kathleen's comment in question. Kathleen unaware that His Holiness does not act unilaterally?

As I have noted today, via Pope Venerable Pius XII's teaching: Jesus Christ has enlightened Pope Francis "with the supernatural gifts of knowledge, understanding and wisdom" so that His Holiness "may loyally preserve the treasury of faith, defend it vigorously, and explain it and confirm it with reverence and devotion."

He who hears Pope Francis, hears Jesus Christ. Pope Francis has been entrusted with the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever Pope Francis may bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever he may loose on Earth shall be loosed in heaven.

In light of all of the above, Pope Francis does not act unilaterally.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Kathleen on Fr Hunwicke's blog said that Pope Francis speaks 'synodally'....but acts unilaterally."

I have read Kathleen's comment in question. Kathleen unaware that His Holiness does not act unilaterally?

As I have noted today, via Pope Venerable Pius XII's teaching: Jesus Christ has enlightened Pope Francis "with the supernatural gifts of knowledge, understanding and wisdom" so that His Holiness "may loyally preserve the treasury of faith, defend it vigorously, and explain it and confirm it with reverence and devotion."

He who hears Pope Francis, hears Jesus Christ. Pope Francis has been entrusted with the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. Whatever Pope Francis may bind on Earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever he may loose on Earth shall be loosed in heaven.

In light of all of the above, Pope Francis does not act unilaterally.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...

I doubt you understand a word Father Hunwicke has to say. The Pope acts unilaterally all the time or have you forgotten Traditiones Custodes, an ultra vires and cruel document?

Paul said...

Australia's tax payer funded ABC, known as GayBC, started its news today with Pope Francis!

With a straight face the presenter said Francis is struggling to find ways for women to play a greater role in the life of the church - and find a way to recognise and even bless "same sex couples"....but apparently a handful of hateful old Cardinals are protesting this "progress"...

As they say "you couldn't make this stuff up"...

(By the way - the next story was on the continuing attempted prosecution (persecution?) of at least 25 elite Australian soldiers for "war crimes" in Afghanistan about 5 to 6 years far only one corporal a VC Victoria Cross winner has fronted court .truth be told : these soldiers were ordered by .....etc to hunt down the murderers of a number of comrades including a few UK SAS, I think .these men were after the most ruthless Taliban who knew no rules of engagement...and risked their lives...some died in action..the damned ABC for years will NOT give up its allegations that a number of prisoners and civilians were "murdered" πŸ₯±πŸ˜ πŸ‘

Paul said...

Australia's tax payer funded ABC, known as GayBC, started its news today with Pope Francis!

With a straight face the presenter said Francis is struggling to find ways for women to play a greater role in the life of the church - and find a way to recognise and even bless "same sex couples"....but apparently a handful of hateful old Cardinals are protesting this "progress"...

As they say "you couldn't make this stuff up"...

(By the way - the next story was on the continuing attempted prosecution (persecution?) of at least 25 elite Australian soldiers for "war crimes" in Afghanistan about 5 to 6 years far only one corporal a VC Victoria Cross winner has fronted court .truth be told : these soldiers were ordered by .....etc to hunt down the murderers of a number of comrades including a few UK SAS, I think .these men were after the most ruthless Taliban who knew no rules of engagement...and risked their lives...some died in action..the damned ABC for years will NOT give up its allegations that a number of prisoners and civilians were "murdered" πŸ₯±πŸ˜ πŸ‘

Paul said...

Australia's tax payer funded ABC, known as GayBC, started its news today with Pope Francis!

With a straight face the presenter said Francis is struggling to find ways for women to play a greater role in the life of the church - and find a way to recognise and even bless "same sex couples"....but apparently a handful of hateful old Cardinals are protesting this "progress"...

As they say "you couldn't make this stuff up"...

(By the way - the next story was on the continuing attempted prosecution (persecution?) of at least 25 elite Australian soldiers for "war crimes" in Afghanistan about 5 to 6 years far only one corporal a VC Victoria Cross winner has fronted court .truth be told : these soldiers were ordered by .....etc to hunt down the murderers of a number of comrades including a few UK SAS, I think .these men were after the most ruthless Taliban who knew no rules of engagement...and risked their lives...some died in action..the damned ABC for years will NOT give up its allegations that a number of prisoners and civilians were "murdered" πŸ₯±πŸ˜ πŸ‘

GayBC with tax payer funded resources and plumetting ratings it is just not

Paul said...

PS the GayBC us claiming it is so unfair Corporal Ben......VC took legal action for defamation against ABC and Fairfax media etc for defamation πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

Paul said...

PS the GayBC us claiming it is so unfair Corporal Ben......VC took legal action for defamation against ABC and Fairfax media etc for defamation πŸ˜‰πŸ‘

PS in regional and rural Australia so called School children's Drag Queen Story have been cancelled in a number of towns, small cities due to death threats...and death threats NOT to the local LGBT "community" BUT against local politicians who dare to be in favour of farmer's and tradesmens etc kids being exposed to this near demonic madness...πŸ˜