
Friday, October 27, 2023


There has been general outrage at the tone deafness of Pope Francis as it concerns clergy sex abuse by his friends. First there was John Barros, whom he had named a bishop in Chile, which then provoked outrage, protests and a loss of faith there, but the pope arrogantly defended him and I mean arrogantly. Then the pope went to Chile, no one came to see him and riots broke out with churches being burned. 

The pope changed his mind, especially after Cardinal O’Malley complained that the Vatican couldn’t get it right with a sexual abuse policy. 

Then there was the first bishop that Pope Francis elevated when he became pope, a good friend from Argentina, Bishop Zanchetta a serial sex abuser of young men in the seminary. The pope took Zanchetta under his wing, promoted him to a manufactured job in the Vatican. Then he was arrested and placed in prison in Argentina. I don’t think the pope has acted to laicize his friend, but I could be wrong.

And now there is Rupnick. Pope Francis has defended him, protected him and allowed him to be rehabilitated and allowed to be incardinated in a diocese in Slovenia. 

Even before yesterday, even the pope’s commission on sex abuse were outraged and even a highly place Jesuit, a sex abuse expert, quit the board over the pope’s arrogance. 

Today, in reaction to all the bad press and the fact that the pope in a speech yesterday to the synod complained about the scandal of young priests shopping for liturgical niceties but nothing about the scandals the pope has caused with his lack luster sex abuse policies, he relented and reversed course.

All of this 1970’s thinking and arrogance is what caused the sex abuse scandal in the USA, coddling abusers and neglecting the abused and enabling future abuse. Pope Francis is the poster boy for the root cause of what the Church has experienced since about 2001 in terms of horrible revelations. 

Pope lifts staute of limitations to allow Rupnik prosecution
By Crux Staff


Anonymous said...

If I remember correctly, Francis called the people of Osorno, Chile "dumb" for protesting his decisions. Arrogantly, he said they were pre-judging the bishop because of political lies. Nasty, nasty, nasty.

The biggest surprise is that he didn't work in an insult against Americans on that occasion.


TJM said...

But every decision of PF is guided by the Holy Spirit, Holy, Holy, Holy.

TJM said...


If the US Church cut off funds to Rome, he may have to go out and beg.

Anonymous said...

Evidence would indicate that the American church has already done so (see the last few Peter's Pence years), and also that China has already put the Vatican on their dole.


rcg said...

Please pray that Pope Francis is not moved to resign. That would interrupt the examination of what is needed to fix this systemic problem. May he be given the strength to continue and lead us by example.

Mark Thomas said...

In regard to Pope Francis' supposed "arrogant" defense of Bishop John Barros:

Pope Francis had been given false information in regard to Bishop Barros. That is why His Holiness had stood by the bishop initially. That has been confirmed by Juan Carlos Cruz, who was among the sex-abuse victims involved in the case in question.

During his Apostolic Visit to Chile, Pope Francis declared that he was open to the reception of any evidence that pointed to Bishop Barros' guilt.

As Catholic World Report had noted, Pope Francis appointed "Archbishop Charles Scicluna of Malta, a highly regarded canonical expert in clerical sexual abuse, to investigate the claims against Barros. After his visit to Chile, Scicluna filed a 2,300 page report on the matter..."

Pope Francis, having been provided with accurate information, moved forward in appropriate fashion.

"The pope invited the three abuse survivors to meet with him...Cruz told reporters that "it was clear that the pope was misinformed."


Juan Carlos Cruz, among the sex-abuse victims in question, has praise upon Pope Francis.

"I am not saying that Pope Francis is perfect or that he has solved everything that needs to be solved, but who is and who does? He sincerely tries. I see it when he invites, cares and loves everyone."


Mark Thomas

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

MT, ha, ha, that’s funny! I have a tunnel from Hilton Head to Savannah I want to sell you!

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."Bishop Zanchetta a serial sex abuser of young men in the seminary. The pope took Zanchetta under his wing, promoted him to a manufactured job in the Vatican."

National Catholic Register:

"The first complaints against Bishop Zanchetta surfaced in 2015,...Bishop Zanchetta was called to Rome and discussed allegations of abuse of power, harassment of seminarians and financial mismanagement with the Pope."

"Bishop Zanchetta told Francis that his phone had been hacked and that the images were fake and had been produced by enemies of the Pope."

"In July 2017, Bishop Zanchetta finally resigned from his post. A letter to his flock cited “health problems” and plans for unspecified treatment."

"The bishop was then sent to Spain for psychiatric evaluation and therapy...In December 2017...Pope Francis had created a new post for him as assessor of the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA)..."

"However, a year and a half after his arrival at APSA, the bishop was suspended from his position, and the Holy See approved a preliminary canonical investigation into allegations against him for sexual abuse and abuse of power.

"I sent him to Spain for a psychiatric test. He had to go to Madrid and have a two-day therapy every month, so it was not convenient to have him return to Argentina. I kept him here because the test showed that he had diagnostic, management and consulting skills,” the Pope continued."

"...the Pope confirmed that he had demanded the bishop’s resignation...I made him come here and asked him to renounce [his position as bishop of OrĂ¡n],” Francis told Televisa."


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."MT, ha, ha, that’s funny! I have a tunnel from Hilton Head to Savannah I want to sell you!"

Father, that does not refute remotely the undeniable facts that pertain to the case of Bishop Barros. It is a fact that Pope Francis had been given false information in regard to Bishop Barros. That has been confirmed by sex-abuse victims associated with the case in question.

When he had received solid information in regard to Bishop Barros, Pope Francis then moved against the Bishop Barros.

Again, it is very telling in his favor that sex-abuse victims in regard to the case in question enjoyed a wonderful meeting with Pope Francis — following which they had praised Pope Francis.


Mark Thomas

Anonymous said...

Imagine how arrogant you have to be to call a group of people dumb because you assume you are better informed than them, even though you live half a world away and they are making claims you dismiss without a care because you think they're politically motivated against you. They may be wrong, even ill-informed. But insulting them because you disagree with them?

Truly, an example of humility.


Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."I have a tunnel from Hilton Head to Savannah I want to sell you!"

Father McDonald, please forget the tunnel. But I am in the market for ocean front property in Kansas, as well as the Brooklyn Bridge.



Mark Thomas

TJM said...

Another thread ruined

TJM said...

Father McDonald,

I respect you but if MT, the braindead papalator, continues to post here, I will abandon this website for Father Hunwicke who would never tolerate the Village Idiot. Even the fake priest is tolerable compared to him.

TJM said...

MT dreams of Father Rupnick

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

TJM, you have control over your eyes, just don’t read his comments, these are no more outrageous than some of your rantings but from a different perspective, you know.

Jerome Merwick said...


Why are you even acknowledging his rot? No one else is. The sooner you stop, the sooner it ends. He's only talking to himself at this point, except when you publicly condemn him, granting him his quick dopamine surge. I have to believe you have enough mental discipline to ignore such foolishness.

You stop giving him his payoff and at some point, he'll look elsewhere for validation.

TJM said...

Jerome Merwick,

You are correct

Father McDonald,

Please give me an example of one of my rantings

rcg said...

Seriously. Everyone lash yourselves to the mast and cover your keyboard until the siren, in despair, departs for lack of response.