
Saturday, October 21, 2023


The good Archbishop Anthony Fisher of Sydney, Australia doesn’t explicitly say the synod on synodality is a colossal waste of time but it is certainly implied in what he says!

My comments first: What Pope Francis is doing is clericalizing the laity and declericalizing the clergy, especially the College of Bishops some of whom are cardinals.

Pope Francis is known to speak out of both sides of his mouth. The virus that has now become institutionalized is offering Holy Communion to those who are in a sexual relationship but not a recognized marriage of the Church. This includes adulterers, fornicators and sodomites. This came about through a “footnote” in Amoris Laetitia. A footnote, kind of like a computer virus, which contaminates the whole of Catholic sexual morality. 

And now Pope Francis is open to blessing unions, especially LGBTQ+++ unions of a variety of combinations, but this is also extended to irregular heterosexual unions of whatever kind. This will be the virus or “footnote” that will begin the process that will lead to these unions being considered sacramental. 

It will also infect the Sacrament of Holy Orders. As such this virus will change or mutate the Church’s traditional anthropology of the Church, herself, as well as Holy Orders and Holy Matrimony being based upon male, female, husband, wife and the physical or spiritual generation of children. That will become obsolete opening the two Sacraments of Holy Order and Matrimony to a completely non biblical anthropology. 

This will effectively, by way of virus, overturn Humanae Vitae or at the least make it uselessly archaic. 

And the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit will be that those in the hierarchy and in the laity will say the Holy Spirit is the protagonist of all of this sacrilege and heresy. Stunning to say the least. 


Push the title for the full article on what Archbishop Anthony Fisher is say. I think he would make a great next pope. A good sound bite is below the title.

Archbishop: If a Synod Proposal is at Odds With the Gospel, ‘That’s Not of the Holy Spirit’

We’ve got to be careful about blaming everything — all our opinions, our interests, lobbies, and factions — putting all that on the Holy Spirit,’ Archbishop Anthony Fisher said.

“We’ve got to be careful about blaming everything — all our opinions, our interests, lobbies, and factions — putting all that on the Holy Spirit,” Archbishop Fisher said. 

“Catholics like to think that the Holy Spirit elects the pope, the Holy Spirit chooses our bishops and priests for us, the Holy Spirit does this and that. And there’s no doubt that God’s hand, God’s providence, is there in all those important things in our lives and in the life of the Church. But we’ve also had some terrible popes in history. We’ve had some awful priests and bishops and awful things happen in people’s lives. And was the Holy Spirit absent? No, but he permitted those things to happen.”

“So let’s not pin everything on the Holy Spirit that happens at the synod or anywhere else in our lives. I think that’s actually superstitious to do that,” he added. 

The challenge of the synod is to listen and ask what God is saying to us and to the Church at this time, he explained, adding that the Church has already provided helpful “guideposts” when trying to discern the will of God.


TJM said...

He can look forward to a “visitation” from one of Pope Merciful’s goons

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."The good Archbishop Anthony Fisher of Sydney, Australia doesn’t explicitly say the synod on synodality is a colossal waste of time but it is certainly implied in what he says!"

Father McDonald, I have read the article in question. I do not find any reason to believe that Archbishop Fisher has determined that the "synod on synodality is a colossal waste of time."

Actually, the article concluded with Archbishop Fisher having spoken in positive fashion in regard to the Synod/process.

Also, five hours ago, via Facebook, Archbishop Anthony Fisher OP noted that the Synod has supplied him with the opportunity to share with others the positive aspects that pertain to his Archdiocese.

He said: "It has been delightful to share the good things happening in the Archdiocese of Sydney with others from around the world gathered here in Rome for the Synod on Synodality."

Father McDonald, in positive fashion, the National Catholic Register article that you referenced concluded as follows:

"The Australian archbishop added that one of the upsides of the Synod on Synodality has been the wide range of Catholics from across the globe gathered together at the Vatican this month.

“I’ve met a bigger range of bishops in the last two weeks than probably in my previous 20 years. And that has to be a positive,” he said.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...

The Synod is finishing the job Vatican II started - emptying Churches. FYI, the people neither asked for nor desired Vatican II nor any of its so-called "reforms." Same with the Synod. These are vanity projects for bored, braindead leftists. I am sure the consultants are loving the cash flow. Just another reason to not send money to Peter's Pence or any diocesan appeal.

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."The good Archbishop Anthony Fisher of Sydney, Australia doesn’t explicitly say the synod on synodality is a colossal waste of time but it is certainly implied in what he says!"

Father McDonald said..."Pope Francis is known to speak out of both sides of his mouth.


Father McDonald, I disagree with each of your above comments.

However, if you are correct that beneath the surface, Archbishop Anthony Fisher has viewed the synod on synodality as a "colossal waste of time," then:

Archbishop Anthony Fisher has spoken out of both sides of his mouth. He has acted in dishonest fashion. He is playing a game. He has gone through the motions in regard to the Synod.

Archbishop Anthony Fisher is thousands of miles away from his flock. He is wasting, his, as well as everybody else's, time.

If he is honest, he will return immediately to his Archdiocese.


Mark Thomas

rcg said...

I recommend caution with the notion that people don’t care about certain things. First, not caring opens the way for those who make the changes you list in your post, among other things without perceived opposition. Secondly, being tolerant can be confused for not caring. My neighbor’s music preferences can be tolerated below a certain volume but become a problem when they are imposed on me and the rest of the neighborhood. We can appreciate and be tolerant of the struggle the bishops and cardinals have with their sexuality and support them in their struggle. But their passive aggressive dissembling has become a noisy and threatening interruption for the rest of society and the Church. Calling the Synod bullshit is an insult to useful fertilizer. The Third Person of the Trinity stands quietly as a measure that we can plainly see by considering what we actually want versus what we should want. When we make our choice the discriminator we can’t cry that we should not be allowed to make a bad choice. That is simply pretending to free will and can be seen, as a gift of the Holy Spirit, as plainly a lie. Rather than admitting our weakness we attempt to change the Word of God and pretend that there is no abyss in the road we are on.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

MT my comments have the backing of the Holy Spirit who is the protagonist on the comments I wrote but He inspired. As for Archbishop Fishere ongoing participation, the protagonist of his continued presence is the Holy Spirit. You can’t argue with God, and I am glad that both the Archbishop and me have been led by the Holy Spirit…

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."I think he would make a great next pope."

Archbishop Fisher has enjoyed the collective confidence of Popes Saint John Paul II, Benedict XVI, as well as Francis.

In regard to Pope Francis' confidence in Archbishop Fisher:

-- "On 18 September 2014, Pope Francis appointed Bishop Anthony the ninth Archbishop of Sydney."

-- "In 2015, Pope Francis appointed Archbishop Fisher to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. He was also appointed an honorary member of the Pontifical Academy of St Thomas Aquinas. He has continued as a member of the Pontifical Academy for Life."

-- "In 2019, Pope Francis appointed Archbishop Fisher to the Congregation for Oriental Churches."

-- "In 2023, Pope Francis appointed Archbishop to the Synod."


Mark Thomas

From Fr. Khouri said...

Why are so many Latin bishops involved with (and why is a Latin bishop head) of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches?

From Fr. Khouri said...

Why are so many Latin bishops involved in the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches. Why is it's head a Latin bishop?

Mark Thomas said...

Archbishop Fisher OP posted to Facebook the following upbeat comments in regard to the Synod:

"As you know, I am in Rome this month for the Synod on Synodality. Providentially, the liturgical calendar during this month celebrates Our Lady of the Rosary, the apostles Simon and Jude, and Luke the evangelist; the bishop Ignatius of Antioch, the layman Edward the Confessor, the religious founders Bruno and Francis, and the missionary martyrs John de Brébeuf and companions;"

"Thérèse the little flower and her spiritual mother and fellow Church doctor Teresa of Avila; popes John the Good and John Paul the Great, and Faustina first saint of the new millennium."

"I am conscious that this great cloud of witnesses is accompanying us during this synod, reminding us what the Church is for: to call all to healing and holiness through encounter with Christ, to support each other in living our personal vocations, and to unite all to the communion of saints."


The Synod is in holy hands as the above "great cloud of witnesses is accompanying us during this synod..." In addition, Archbishop Fisher noted that "the synod is also being accompanied by the prayers of so many of you..."

Combine the above with the Holy Ghost's role as the Synod's well as the Vicar of Christ's eventual orthodox Apostolic Exhortation.


Mark Thomas

Anonymous said...

It's simply laughable to deny that Francis speaks out of both sides of his mouth. From calling abortion "hiring a hit man" to praising the most prominent pro-abortion advocate in Italy? From condemning gender theory as "ideological colonisation" to having a friendly meeting with Sr. Gramick, who has been warned against multiple times both by the USCCB and the Vatican for her advocacy for LGBTQ+ism contrary to Catholic teaching? From condemning clericalism to publicly, dishonestly defending the likes of Zanchetta and having meetings with Rupnik's close collaborator?

To quote our President, "Come on, man!" Seriously?


As for the Archbishop, I think his comments communicate that he's willing to take what good comes from the synod, if there is any lasting good to be had, while keeping the sensitivity of his BS-o-meter turned up high. If that's playing a game, it's one worth playing.


TJM, you commented: "The Synod is finishing the job Vatican II started - emptying Churches. FYI, the people neither asked for nor desired Vatican II nor any of its so-called "reforms." Same with the Synod. These are vanity projects for bored, braindead leftists. I am sure the consultants are loving the cash flow. Just another reason to not send money to Peter's Pence or any diocesan appeal."



Mark Thomas said...

Father Khouri, the following is related to your question:

When he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Pope Francis served as Argentina's Ordinary for Eastern Catholics.


Mark Thomas

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Yes, through the gray cloud of witnesses on earth and in heaven, the Holy Ghost may well be correcting the heterodoxy of many of the synod’s participants. Thank God for those Holy Spirit inspired orthodox Catholics voice the Holy Spirit ‘s consternation and disapproval of certain heterodox ideologues.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Great cloud not gray.

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald, if the Synod is as bad as its detractors have insisted, then it's a gray cloud, if not black.



Father, thank you for that correction.


Mark Thomas

Jerome Merwick said...

Father McDonald,

In case you haven't noticed, just about everyone here has stopped bothering to reply or challenge the malicious buffoon who keeps posting nonsense here.

I only point that out, because you seem to be the last holdout. Your still feeding its cry for attention.

It's YOUR blog, but might I suggest that the sooner we stop feeding it, the sooner it gives up and goes elsewhere for attention. He isn't interested in anything you or any of the rest of us have to say or in having any kind of genuine discussion. He's just pulling your chain and trying to pull ours.

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."Yes, through the gray (great) cloud of witnesses on earth and in heaven, the Holy Ghost may well be correcting the heterodoxy of many of the synod’s participants. Thank God for those Holy Spirit inspired orthodox Catholics voice the Holy Spirit ‘s consternation and disapproval of certain heterodox ideologues."

The Holy Ghost points us, heterodox included, in the right (orthodox) direction. However, that does not mean that those who deviate from orthodoxy will follow the Holy Ghost down the right path.

That said, the Synod is in holy, supernatural hands. Pope Francis, or his successor, will conclude the Synod in orthodox fashion. The Pope, thanks to the promise of Jesus Christ, who has prayed for the Roman Pontiff's never-failing faith, is protected from leading us into error.


Mark Thomas

Tom Makin said...

We can count on the Dominicans to preach the truth....Veritas

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald, here is a wonderful interview (youtube) with Archbishop Fisher.

Archbishop Anthony Fischer - WYD Testimony - Lisbon 2023 A.D.

It is easy to understand as to why Pope Francis has, if you will, invested heavily into Archbishop Fisher.


Mark Thomas

TJM said...

Jerome Merwick,

Amen. By his own admission he has been banned from other websites so this blog may be his last resort. Sad, or on the other hand, he may be being paid to come here to soil the nest.

ByzRus said...

TJM and Jerome Merwick,


Correct me if I'm wrong, but, it seems like the pool of commenters is getting smaller.

We're either getting lectured on how we're embracing Satan, or being told what our fetishes are that seem to always be going one way.

I think we just want to be Catholic, as we knew it or understand it to be without the fetishes that those who claim to be so right seem to ignore.

TJM said...


Yes, the leftwing loons have chased away excellent commentators like John Nolan, Bea, etal. But there are still a few of us left to support the good cause.