
Tuesday, February 15, 2022



This is from the National Chismatic Reporter. What is good about all of this reporting confirming my suspicions is that this is being hashed out in high places and hopefully will influence the next conclave in electing an orthodox traditional pope. Time will tell!

Czech cardinal accuses Germany's Cardinal Marx of 'betraying' Pope Benedict


TJM said...

The Czechs know all about German perfidy

Tom Makin said...

TJM.....LOL. Another version is..."the French have beautiful treelined roads so the Germans can march in the shade"

It occurs to me that much like much of the progressive movement, in and out of the church, is the Francis Gang over-reaching such that it will trigger a boomerang effect?

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Tom, I think deep down most traditionalists wished that Pope Benedict had been more authoritarian in promoting SP and concretizing it in a more dogmatic way.

If Benedict had been as authoritarian as Pope Francis, I think we would be in a better place, but Benedict understood the pastoral nature of Vatican II when it came to the exercise of authority. Francis is pre-Vatican II in imposing the spirit of Vatican II. He has set the example for a more traditional pope in the future to be more authoritarian.

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

I don't think there is a "dogmatic way" to regulate the liturgy. Certainly rubrics are not matters of dogma, nor are musical or architectural styles.

What was the "dogmatic path" you think might have existed to concretize SP?

TJM said...

Father McDonald,

I agree with you on this. Ironic that “liberals” called Pope Benedict God’s Rottweiler when he was anything but. I trust that the next Pope will begin to undo the damage inflicted on the Faithful by PF.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

FRMJK, what Pope Benedict allowed, freedom to celebrate either form (with some parameters in terms of the EF) and the hoped for mutual enrichment that would result and reform in continuity of the modern Missal. I would say the Ordinariate's missal is such a product. For one pope to allow something only to have another pope negate it altogether is problematic as well as the so-called "spirit" of Vatican II that denigrated what was so good for hundreds of years of Catholics and over night did that. That is a scandal and continues to be one.

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Fr. ALLAN McDonald - Rubrics aren't, and cannot be, established dogmatically.

To change the "Pope A Allows, Pope B Doesn't Allow" setup would mean changing the powers of the office of the person who sits on the Chair of Peter.

The reversal of SP by TC is problematic only for a tiny miority of folks, and it is only a scandal for those who want to be scandalized and are looking for opportunities to ven their spleens. Remember, some are scandalized by the way Pope Francis smiles...

TJM said...

And lest we forget only about a third of NO attendees believe in the Real Presence and millions have fled the OF. You would think those factors would result in a very serious re-examination of the OF

John said...

The present authority is doing immense spiritual damage to faithful Catholics worldwide. Some accept the peculiar spiritual direction coming to them from far off Rome in all sincerity. Some recoil from it and ending up damaged, weakened in faith. One wonders of the intention and sanity which fuels this charade.

TJM said...

Father K,

You are so predictive - I expect no less from a priest who votes for the Party of Intrinsic Evil. Maybe the next Pope will take a page from PF and command YOU to celebrate Mass ad orientem and in Latin! What goes around comes around. FYI, that tiny minority believes what the Church teaches on the Real Presence whereas the majority of your flock does not if we accept the survey results from Pew!