
Friday, November 17, 2023


To use a secular term, a very expensive “blab fest” or to use a Catholic term, an exotically rich “coffee and conversation” with no real point other than to talk, talk, talk, a kind of therapy session for those who like to talk, talk, talk, thus you have entered “The Twilight Zynode”:

The money byte below is from a longer Crux article on the Znode, the Twilight one, You can read the Crux article HERE. My comment in red below the money byte:

Archbishop Paul Etienne of Seattle emphasized that the goal of the synod is to become a more synodal church, and the discussions that have taken place towards that goal have all done so “within the guardrails of magisterium and scripture in a context of prayer.”

“So no, the goal isn’t to change doctrine, but the goal is to allow people to talk about whatever they need to talk about,” Etienne told Crux. “Yes, there’s going to be some things that come up that make people uncomfortable, but that doesn’t mean that the goal is to change doctrine of church teaching, but it means we need to do a better job of allowing people to talk about the things that are on their mind.”

Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark agreed.

My comment: “What the ...?!”(choose your own four letter word, the one on your mind, to be zynodal).

1 comment:

ByzRus said...

I don't know.....maybe just go back to what worked and put aside the earthly cares.