
Monday, November 6, 2023


What a conundrum for the pope and bishops in the Vatican. They aren’t believed or trusted. The cause of this is doublespeak, confusedspeak, and outright lies. 

Even one of the head cardinals for the self-referential and chatty Synod on Synodlaity acknowledged that Catholics, lay or clergy, do not trust them. That is pretty awful, but you reap what you sow!

So, who do we believe? The Pillar or Lifesite News when it comes to Pope Francis’ megalomania about entrenching his legacy into the DNA of the Church and not having another pope do to him what this pope has done to JPII and BXVI. 

Who do you believe? The Pillar or Lifesite?????

From the Pillar

Pope Francis looks at ‘synodal reforms’ to papal election process

How changes to the next papal election process could bring a more 'synodal style'


monkmcg said...

It is not just the Pope and the Vatican Curia; many of the US bishops have shown themselves to be untrustworthy as well. What I see in the US is a loss of trust in most institutions. After all the lies associated with the pandemic and the government (and Church) response, many of us have become the man from Missouri - show me before I trust you (again).

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."What a conundrum for the pope and bishops in the Vatican. They aren’t believed or trusted. The cause of this is doublespeak, confusedspeak, and outright lies. Even one of the head cardinals for the self-referential and chatty Synod on Synodlaity acknowledged that Catholics, lay or clergy, do not trust them. That is pretty awful, but you reap what you sow!"

In regard to not trusting Popes, as well as additional Roman officials: That has long been the case in regard to certain folks/groups.


Archbishop Lefebvre/SSPX did not trust Popes Saint Paul VI, Saint John Paul II, as well as then-Cardinal Ratzinger. Archbishop Lefebvre/SSPX insisted that Rome, from the Pope on down, was populated with devious, unorthodox Churchmen.

The SSPX refused throughout his Pontificate to have entered into full communion with Pope Benedict XVI. The Society did not trust him. The belief was that Pope Benedict XVI was determined to trick traditionalists (within the SSPX and beyond), especially via Summorum Pontificum, into surrendering to "modernist" Rome.

There are folks within, and without the Church, who have insisted that Popes Saint John Paul II, Benedict XVI, as well as Francis, have/had lied repeatedly in regard to priestly sexual abuse within the Church.

Distrust of Rome, among certain folks, has existed for centuries.

But the bottom line today is that the overwhelming amount of God's Holy People love and respect Pope Francis.


Mark Thomas

Tom Makin said...

I trust none of the hierarchy, from the Pope on down. I don't trust my own local Ordinary because I have heard NOT ONE WORD from him. The road to schism is being paved by this Pope and his ilk. The latest now is the consideration of upending the Conclave process to include lay and women voters in the Sistine Chapel? The renewal of the Catacombs Pact prior to the conclusion of the Sillynod showcases more of the end game. The "One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is being systematically destroyed from within by an aging clergy clinging to a misguided interpretation of VCII and they will not be stopped because the true believers in this nonsense are not going away. Francis's appointment of Bishops and Cardinals, made in the image and likeness of him, guarantees that the damage being wrought may be irrevocable and become so before the new priests being ordained in the last 10-15 years have a chance to reign it in.

TJM said...

"But the bottom line today is that the overwhelming amount of God's Holy People love and respect Pope Francis."

I think it's time for the men in the little white suits to come and fetch MT.

TJM said...

Father McDonald,

You will find this story interesting. Bishop Brennan of Brooklyn removed a popular priest as pastor who had allowed a lewd music video to be taped in a parish church. The bishop came and "cleansed" the sanctuary and said a Mass of Reparations. Given my low opinion of the Vatican I expect the good Bishop may become the victim of a Visitation!

Jerome Merwick said...

If nothing else, just about everything we've seen coming out of this synod seems contrived for two important ends:

1. Normalize homosexuality (contradicting the catechism, tradition and the Bible)

2. Put more control of the Church into the hands of the laity (and in our case, that means the most poorly catechized generations of Catholics for centuries)

If we've learned nothing from watching the way politics work--and this HAS to be the most political papal administration of MY lifetime--an outrageous "trial balloon" for an idea is often floated before the public, vehement denials follow, and, eventually, the outrageous idea is put in to place, albeit in a less radical form, with the intent of incrementally reaching the more radical goal over time. For example, in the 1970's homosexuals protested that all that they wanted was to stop being discriminated against. Nobody was saying a word about "Gay Marriage", but that WAS the goal and it has been achieved and those who refuse to acknowledge and praise this "civil rights advancement" are marginalized, demonized and summarily fired from their jobs.

So no, I don't trust Cardinal Ghirlanda's denials. More than one news site reported this story and their reporters have a fairly reliable track record. They didn't just pull this item out of their collective imaginations.