
Saturday, November 11, 2023




Earlier this morning, the USCCB released the following statement:

Pope Francis has relieved the Most Reverend Joseph E. Strickland from the pastoral governance of the Diocese of Tyler. At the same time, the Holy Father has appointed the Most Reverend Joe S. Vásquez of Austin, as the Apostolic Administrator sede vacante of the Diocese of Tyler.

These provisions were publicized in Washington, D.C. on November 11, 2023, by Cardinal Christophe Pierre, apostolic nuncio to the United States.

The Diocese of Tyler is comprised of 23,443 square miles in the State of Texas and has a total population of 1,436,247, of which 119,168, are Catholic.

Cardinal DiNardo, Metropolitan Archbishop of Galveston-Houston, also released the following public statement:

In June of this year, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, directed that an Apostolic Visitation of the Diocese of Tyler should be conducted. Bishop Dennis Sullivan of Camden and Bishop Emeritus Gerald Kicanas of Tucson were appointed to conduct the Visitation. The Prelates conducted an exhaustive inquiry into all aspects of the governance and leadership of the Diocese of Tyler by its Ordinary, Bishop Joseph Strickland. 

As a result of the Visitation, the recommendation was made to the Holy Father that the continuation in office of Bishop Strickland was not feasible. After months of careful consideration by the Dicastery for Bishops and the Holy Father, the decision was reached that the resignation of Bishop Strickland should be requested. 

Having been presented with that request on November 9, 2023, Bishop Strickland declined to resign from office. Thereafter, on November 11, 2023, the Holy Father removed Bishop Strickland from the Office of Bishop of Tyler.  

Pending more permanent arrangements for the Diocese of Tyler, the Holy Father has, at the same time, appointed Bishop Joe Vasquez, Bishop of Austin, as Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Tyler. 

Let us keep Bishop Strickland, the clergy and faithful of the Diocese of Tyler, and Bishop Vasquez in our prayers.

Please join Cardinal DiNardo in his prayer intentions for Bishop Strickland, Bishop Vasquez, clergy, lay staff, and all of the people of God in Tyler who have been impacted.


TJM said...

Investigated by two liberals. Even the USCCB rejected Kicanus' bid to be its president. So the process is suspect. To be fair, there should have been a tradition minded bishop as part of the visitation. Just more evidence this papacy is corrupt and power mad. Allowing German bishops to preach heresy while removing a wildly successful bishop is not encouraging

Jerome Merwick said...

America has just lost its best bishop.

If anything good can possibly come from this, it is the possibility that maybe some Catholics will finally wake up and realize what kind of "pope" is running this wrecking crew.

TJM said...

If the UCCCB had any guts, they would issue a no confidence vote on this corrupt and evil papacy!

Mark Thomas said...

From Cardinal Dinardo:

"Bishop Dennis Sullivan of Camden and Bishop Emeritus Gerald Kicanas of Tucson were appointed to conduct the Visitation."


-- Bishop Sullivan, born 1945 A.D., was raised in the pre-Vatican II Church.

-- Pope Saint John Paul II elevated then-Father Sullivan to auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of New York.

-- Pope Benedict XVI appointed Sullivan as bishop of the Diocese of Camden.


-- Bishop Emeritus Gerald Kicanas, born 1941 A.D., was raised in the pre-Vatican II Church.

-- Pope Saint John Paul II named Kicanas as an auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago.

-- Pope Saint John Paul II appointed Kicanas "coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of Tucson on October 30, 2001 and became bishop after the resignation of Bishop Manuel Moreno on March 7, 2003."


Bishop Sullivan, as well as Bishop Emeritus Kicanas, enjoyed support from Popes Saint John Paul II, as well as Benedict XVI.

They are "Pope Saint John Paul II/Pope Benedict XVI bishops." At least that is the manner in which more than a few folks classify bishops. This bishop is a "Francis bishop," that bishop is a "Benedict XVI bishop," etc.

Cardinal DiNardo has assured us that Bishops Sullivan, as well as Emeritus Kicanas, had "conducted an exhaustive inquiry into all aspects of the governance and leadership of the Diocese of Tyler by its Ordinary, Bishop Joseph Strickland."

"As a result of the Visitation, the recommendation was made to the Holy Father that the continuation in office of Bishop Strickland was not feasible."


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

As posted by Mike Lewis (Where Peter Is): Statement of Father Timothy Kelly, Pastor of Holy Spirit Catholic Church of the Diocese of Tyler, on the removal of Bishop Strickland:

“I think it's important to say that many decent good people have been hurt under his administration.

Seven years ago, something dark descended upon the Diocese of Tyler.

Under the direction of Bishop Joseph Strickland, charity was replaced in this diocese.

Good, decent Catholic people, who had served at the diocese for a generation, were fired without as much as a thank you. Their hearts have never been recognized, nor has any apology ever been made.

Priests who disagreed with the bishop were intimidated by his supporters. I can personally attest to such phone calls from prominent friends of the bishop.

The bishop appointed people to positions of authority who are unworthy of those positions. (Thank God that most of them were later fired once the bishop felt that they were a threat to his authority.)

Every month, things in this diocese have gone steadily down and down.

Bishop Strickland’s well-being must be our primary concern today. He has been at war for the last few years.

He has been manipulated and used by ruthless men, both laity and priests of this diocese, whose goal was to use the diocese and the bishop to push their extremist ideological agenda.

I am not saying that Bishop Strickland is not responsible for his words, however, but some very unsavory men have influenced him.

It is essential that Bishop Strickland be given time to rest and come to terms with the disaster he had drawn upon himself and on us. It is important that he have some time for counseling and therapy. I wish him the best for his new life.

In the past, Bishop Strickland was a nice, unassuming, likable man, but in his addiction to celebrity he has ruined lives and ruptured decades-long friendships. Families have stopped going to Mass because of his unkind words. Parents have taken their children out of Catholic schools. He needs time for reflection. He needs time to rebuild the bridges he burned.

Bishop Strickland needs to step away from the cameras and microphones, and submit himself to the authority of the Supreme Pontiff.

Something dark has descended upon the Diocese of Tyler. Saint Peter was given the keys of the kingdom of heaven. The Bishop of Rome has spoken. That is the end of the matter.

‘Roma locuta est; Causa finita est.’

Augustine of Hippo"



Mark Thomas

Paul said...

The farce continues.
Mark, I'm sure the good Bishop is at peace having spoken the truths that needed to be said.

Your misuse of a classic line from Augustine fools no one with any understanding of the historical context of that quote.
Mark, your treating of Francis like the man is an oracle of God is very much against true Catholic teaching and against Catholic TRADITION.

TJM said...

Indeed but the darkness has come from Rome only an obsequious bootlicker can’t see that

TJM said...


It’s actually heresy but thanks for speaking out!

Jerome Merwick said...


None of us here acknowledge the foolish slobbering of the troll you replied to. I suggest you do the same. We let him talk to himself.

Joseph Johnson said...

This is very sad and unjust.

Mark Thomas said...

Paul said..."Your misuse of a classic line from Augustine fools no one with any understanding of the historical context of that quote."

Paul, I did not misuse the quotation in question.

I posted simply a statement offered by Father Timothy Kelly, Pastor of Holy Spirit Catholic Church of the Diocese of Tyler. It is Father Kelly who had referenced Saint Augustine of Hippo.

Therefore, I do not have a clue as to why you said to me: "Your misuse of a classic line from Augustine fools no one..."


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Paul said..."Mark, your treating of Francis like the man is an oracle of God is very much against true Catholic teaching and against Catholic TRADITION."

Paul, I adhere to Church teaching in regard to the Papacy. Therefore, your comment in question does not apply to me.

Thank you.


Mark Thomas

— Encyclical of Pope Pius XI, Casti Connubii, 1930 A.D:

"...a characteristic of all true followers of Christ, lettered or unlettered, is to suffer themselves to be guided and led in all things that touch upon faith or morals by the Holy Church of God through its Supreme Pastor the Roman Pontiff, who is himself guided by Jesus Christ Our Lord."

Jerome Merwick said...

Yes Joseph. Sad and unjust are the hallmarks of this time and the defining characteristics of this toxic papacy.

TJM said...

Jerome Merwick,

In the end, this Double-Knit Dinosaur masquerading as a Man of God and his ilk will soon be a bad memory. I was delighted this morning going to Church in my daughter's parish, where the 30 something pastor provided a prie-dieu so one could receive Holy Communion kneeling. He is doing his bit to encourage a Eucharistic Revival. The old, wether priests, will continue to slop along as they have these past 50 years doing the same thing and expecting different results.

TJM said...

Jerome Merwick,

I thought you and the sentient who post here might be interested in Archbishop Vigano's take on the Bishop Strickland dismissal.

Of course those that support Pope Mercy (Selective) will not be pleased.

TJM said...

Cardinal Muller is on the warpath

TJM said...

Here are Cardinal Muller's comments:

"Arbitrary dismissal from the post of bishop of a diocese in which a bishop is established by Christ himself as his own shepherd undermines the Pope's authority, as happened historically with the unworthy bargaining for the office under the Avignon papacy (this loss of trust was one of the main reasons for the Reformation's separation of Christianity from the Catholic Church and its hatred of the Pope, who by his arbitrary actions had put himself in God's place).

According to Catholic teaching, the Pope is in no way the Lord of the Church, but rather, as Christ's representative for the universal Church, the first servant of his Lord, who was to say to Simon Peter, who had just become the rock of the Church: "Get thee behind me (Italian indietro, the true indietrismo), for thou thinkest not what God wills, but what men will" (Mt 16:23).

The Pope has no authority from Christ to intimidate and bully good bishops modeled on Christ the Good Shepherd who, in accordance with the episcopal ideal of Vatican II, sanctify, teach and shepherd God's flock in Christ's name, simply because false friends denounce these good bishops to Francis as enemies of the Pope, while heretical and immoral bishops can do as they please or disturb Christ's Church every day with some other nonsense."

TJM said...

Now to dispute Cardinal Muller you to have deep knowledge of Catholic Theology, Ecclesiology, the Patristic Fathers and Sacred Tradition.