
Monday, November 20, 2023



On Sunday, November 19th, I celebrated two Sunday Masses, one a very, very, very Modern Roman Missal Sung Mass at St. Gregory the Great’s 11 AM Mass (Bluffton, SC). This parish is the Diocese of Charleston’s largest parish with over 5,000 registered households (mostly retirees to Sun City (9,000 homes) Margaritaville and other retirement communities, expensive ones!

You can watch their Facebook feed of the Mass HERE. It starts at about minute 43! My spectacular, short and to the point homily begins at minute 59:30!

And then I rushed to downtown Savannah’s Sacred Heart Church for their 1 PM TLM. The Church was full with all kinds of Catholics, young families, crying babies, white, black, Africans, African Americans, Filipinos and all the world’s ethnic groups. As everyone knows, I love both forms of the Mass and I am enriched by celebrating both forms. And yes, I had to prepared two stunningly spectacular homilies since there are two different sets of Scripture readings. I’m exhausted!

Here are photos of the TLM, not in any particular order:


Anonymous said...

Father, I note that the chasuble is raised to a fitting height at the elevation ;)


Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."As everyone knows, I love both forms of the Mass and I am enriched by celebrating both forms."

Father McDonald, I listened to your fantastic homily. I have been uplifted spiritually via your homilies. I appreciate greatly the holy manner in which you offer Mass.VI

In regard to the Holy Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI that you offer regularly: Infinite grace flows via that Mass. The Holy Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI, which you love, has enriched you, as well as tens of millions of Catholics worldwide.

It is appalling that certain Catholics mock and insult said Mass. The folks in question refer to the Holy Mass as the "Nervous Disorder," or, "Novus Bogus."

Conversely, Father McDonald, you love that Mass. You offer in holy fashion the Mass of Pope Saint Paul VI.

Father, thank you for that.


Mark Thomas

Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald, your approach to delivering homilies should serve as the model for the Universal Church.

I hope that the two bishops you serve promote throughout their respective dioceses your approach in question.


Mark Thomas

James E Dangerfield said...

When you are “on this side of the grass,” celebrating a faithful, reverent Holy Mass is absolutely THE VERY BEST way to spend your time! That’s your temporal reward for the many sacrifices you’ve made to serve God’s people. We get to “go” to and/or “assist” at such Holy Masses, but YOU get to do it in a way we simply can’t.