
Monday, April 19, 2021


The Holy Father sometimes says good things but in manner that is not clear. When I listen to His Holiness, it seems to me His Holiness is saying what I have been writing the last few weeks. Progressive or heterodox Catholics who want to change the Church do so from the point of their idols: Vatican II, lay participation, sensum fideli, women’s ordination, LGBTQetc ideologies, ecclesiology, etc. But where is the worship of God in all this? Where is authentic prayer in all this? Where is gratefulness for personal salvation from the fires of hell? Where is the fear of God? Is that what the pope is saying?



Pierre said...

Father McDonald,

There is an excellent article at The New Liturgical Movement you may want to read about the restoration of the pre-1955 Holy Week Liturgy:

Anonymous said...

He is building new church, false one. Don't you know it? Soon, you will see a great reset in our Catholicism. All will change and they will exchange Catholic Church into one world religion... Sooner, than most think. All is prepared by now. Check this from "pope" written on the Resurrection Sunday. Are you going to find there the name of Jesus? Of course not, but you will find all what is coming soon... It is in English (translator build in)


Victor said...

"Changes made in the Church without prayer are not changes made by the Church, they are changes made by groups."

Of course, what groups? I suspect he is talking mainly about the groups in Germany.
The problem is that I am sure Martin Luther prayed a lot too, but he drifted away from the Church, despite his prayers, being sidetracked by ungodly things like the surrounding political sphere which was more than delighted to get Roman influence out of Germany.

Yes prayer is important, but even in prayer, the devil is waiting for the best opportunity to infect one's mind. So one must still be cautious, and not pray to a false god. But the Holy Father is right, prayer to the Holy Spirit is a necessary condition for making decisions in the Church. On has to wonder how much Fr Reese SJ prays when he declares that children should be prevented from intimate contact with God in the traditional Holy Latin Mass which is already meaningful to them, like so many in the liturgical movement also thought.

I had to travel and was forced to go to a Novus Ordo Mass this past Easter and attended the vigil. This was the first NO Mass I had been to in about 2 years since I regularly attend the TLM at home. I was more than disappointed. I tried so hard to put away objections and bias, but after it was over I was ready to cry. The Mass was so noisy that I only had time to deeply pray before its start. The worst was the Canon, with the celebrant blasting his voice and I having to constantly view his distracting face, particularly at the elevations. When I got home, I immediately watched a recording of the pre-1955 vigil from Colorado, and I was so moved 1000 miles and a few hours away, that I did cry in joy. In Italy, the lighting of the trikyrion also symbolised the 3 Marys announcing the resurrection to the disciples, but I do not think the liturgical movement thought much of such feminine symbolism in the liturgy. One has to wonder how many of the changes in the liturgy after WW2 were made through deep prayer to God rather than to the false ivory tower god of "active participation"?

(your fake name HERE) said...

Just another Bergoglio/Francis/Rorschach test stating nothing concrete while throwing fuel on the fires on both sides.

He calls it pot-stirring, but in the US we have another phrase for the same thing.