Sandro Magister has a very interesting article on the brouhaha in Germany and elsewhere concerning blessing homosexual partnerships and their illicit forms of sex. After reading it, I realized, as I have always known, there's nothing new under the sun or Son:
Blessing of Same-Sex Couples. That Time the Holy Office Washed Its Hands of It
In effect, same-sex unions have always speckled the history of the Church, which has always condemned them. But that such unions should aspire to be recognized as good and legitimate by a liturgical blessing is a novelty of these times. With very rare precedents.
One of these precedents is precisely that reported by Michel de Montaigne (see illustration) in a passage of his “Journal de Voyage en Italie” dated 1581, which Settimo Cielo has reproduced in its entirety.
At the turn of last millenia, St Peter Damian fought against the same corruption, as did too many monastic reformers to even begin listing.
Paul warred against it in the earliest Church as did the other disciples. Surviving writings from the ealiest times are rare which do NOT dwell at some point on unnatural relations and perverted uses.
We likely will be combating this until God beats out and rolls the universe as a dusty carpet, or we wreck everything local to ourselves into extinction and save him the trouble.
For most of the Middle Ages sodomy (which as a generic term encompasses most sexual deviancies) was dealt with by ecclesiastical tribunals who would impose ecclesiastical penalties, typically penances.
It was later in the Middle Ages and in early modern times that the secular authorities took it upon themselves to impose criminal penalties. Henry VIII enacted the buggery laws in 1533. In post-Tridentine Rome the Holy Office (Inquisition) would not have needed to proceed against sodomy, and in this case desecration and sacrilege, since the secular arm had the powers to deal with it. In the notorious case mentioned by Montaigne, eight of the perpetrators were hanged.
Being hanged for masturbation (ie alleged sodomy) sounds rather extreme - I mean, all those Trump supporters are a bunch of w@%$ers yet I wouldn’t impose capital punishment upon them.
The biggest bunch of W@#$ERS in the world by far are the white, western, university “educated”, middle class people who are in the political category: the Woke, pathological Left.
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