Progressives are overjoyed with the possibility of Protestants receiving Holy Communion in Catholic Churches and Protestant practices cyncretized with Catholic.
But authentic ecumenism with the way we were causes heart palpitations, sweating and severe anxiety among those who normally are quite giddy about the wild forms of ecumenism.
Thus the sensitive ecumenists out there are forewarned about reading this communique from Rorate Caeli as it maybe harmful to their fragile psyche:
SSPX Communiqué: CDF Prefect Cardinal Ladaria meets Superior-General Fr. Pagliarani
The 2-hour meeting took place Thursday, November 22, in the Palace of the Holy Office, in Rome, at the invitation of Cardinal Ladaria, with the presence of Ecclesia Dei secretary Abp. Guido Pozzo.
It was agreed that the main point of contention that has prevented the signature of a final deal are doctrinal differences. Therefore, new doctrinal discussions are to take place between both parties.
The whole communique in French is below. As soon as the official English translation is provided, we will post it here.
Communiqué de la Maison générale de la Fraternité Saint-Pie X sur la rencontre entre le cardinal Ladaria et l’abbé Pagliarani, 22 novembre 2018
His Holiness Pope Francis declared that it is valid for Catholics to receive from SSPX priests the holy Sacraments of Penance and Matrimony. He has made it clear that its legitimate for laymen to attend SSPX chapels.
However, his approach to the SSPX is at odds with the following declarations from Pope Benedict XVI, Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Müller, and Bishop Morlino (not to mention additional Cardinals and bishops).
Pope Benedict XVI:
"The fact that the Society of Saint Pius X does not possess a canonical status in the Church is not, in the end, based on disciplinary but on doctrinal reasons.
"As long as the Society does not have a canonical status in the Church, its ministers do not exercise legitimate ministries in the Church.
"In order to make this clear once again: until the doctrinal questions are clarified, the Society has no canonical status in the Church, and its ministers – even though they have been freed of the ecclesiastical penalty – do not legitimately exercise any ministry in the Church."
Cardinal Burke follows that line...even more, as he declared:
"The fact of the matter is that the Priestly Society of St. Pius X is in schism since the late Abp. Marcel Lefebvre ordained four bishops without the mandate of the Roman Pontiff.
"And so it is not legitimate to attend Mass or to receive the sacraments in a church that's under the direction of the Priestly Society of St. Pius X."
The SSPX noted the following declaration from Cardinal Müller:
"The canonical excommunication of the bishops for their illegal ordinations was revoked, but a de facto sacramental excommunication remains for their schism; they put themselves out of communion with the Church."
Bishop Morlino declared that "all is not well with the SSPX, and my advice, my plea to the traditionally-minded faithful of the diocese is to have nothing to do with them."
Mark Thomas
Bishop Athanasius Schneider has warned that the SSPX's refusal to subject themselves fully to the Vicar of Christ, Pope Francis, has placed the SSPX in grave danger of schism.
Bishop Schneider declared:
“If you remain canonically autonomous for too long, you run the risk of losing a characteristic of the Catholic Church, that is, to be subject to the pope”
“We cannot make our subjection to the Vicar of Christ dependent upon the person of the pope; this would not be faith. You cannot say that “I don’t believe in this pope, I don’t submit, I am going to wait until one comes along that I like.”
"This is not Catholic, it is not supernatural; it is human.
"It is a lack of supernaturality and trust in Divine Providence, that God is the one who guides the Church.
"This is a danger for the SSPX”
Mark Thomas
I think what you are saying Mark Thomas is that there is (or will be) some validity to the statements that Cardinal Burke has said about the SSPX.
@Mark Thomas...
What's interesting is that the Vatican seems to be admit that the differences between themselves and the SSPX are primarily doctrinal. And yet the SSPX adheres firmly to the doctrines of the Catholic church as expressed before Vatican II. So the questions that arise are: did church doctrine change after Vatican II? Were new doctrines added, or were old ones retired? If so, what exactly are they?
For the record, I frequently attend my local SSPX chapel, which is within walking distance. I admit I have doctrinal differences with the SSPX, since I trace the current crisis in the church not to Vatican II but to Vatican I, when the pope had himself declared not only infallible but as a "super-bishop" with direct authority over all Catholics--both being unhistoric, untenable positions which opened wide the door to Paul VI's failed liturgical project and Francis's attempts to change church teaching, not to mention the US bishops' cowardly behaviour in Baltimore. As a church, we need to return to a proper view of episcopacy.
These differences notwithstanding, I do find the liturgy at the SSPX chapel far superior to my local parish, which does not offer the TLM and where no Gregorian chant or polyphonic anthems have been heard for many, many years. The preaching is likewise much better at the SSPX.
We owe the SSPX a huge debt of gratitude. We would not have the TLM anywhere today if it had not been for them. And I suspect the voices calling for fidelity to church teaching on moral issues would have been crushed too, had it not been for their witness.
What about this: SSPX is to Doctrine as Divorced Catholics are to Communion. Could this apparent acquiescence to Perennial Catholicism (nee 'Traditionalist') actually another abuse similar to the divorced and remarried or Protestant communions? This is how prison gangs get people under their control. Act friendly to them and get them to commit a small transgression as part of a friendly exchange. Then hold that over them to gain more and more compliance. It might be an attempt to sucker in Perennial Catholics.
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