Magnolia Lane at Augusta National after ice storm:

The Eisenhower's at Mamie's Cabin at Augusta National:
The Master's landmark, the Eisenhower Pine Tree was damaged beyond saving during Augusta's iceageddon this past Wednesday and Thursday. Those of you who keep up with the Masters will feel this loss on Presidents' Day. Read the Augusta Chronicle story here.
But perhaps Saint Ike of the Augusta National may have interceded to have his way with this tree that he wanted chopped down anyway. Read the story here.
But of course Augusta experienced a 4.2 magnitude earthquake Friday night felt and heard by many even in Macon, two hours away. An aftershock yesterday of 3.2 was felt at 3:20 PM yesterday. Iceageddon and earthageddon; what else will happen?! Maybe the tree fell from the earthquake?
President Eisenhower with my former parishioner in Augusta and now deceased Eileen Stulb a great women golfer in her day, taken at the Augusta National:

And this is the scene today all over Augusta, tree branches and trees all over the place ripe for removal!
Most of Augusta without electricity for about three days because of this kind of scene:

So the tree was Mamed beyond repair?
Whoa…"you take de husks right offa de corn, Mame,
You charm dem blues right outta de horn, Mame
You got them banjos (cue RCG) playin' and ringing' out a tune to beat de band…
De whole plantation's jumpin' now since you brought Dixie back to Dixie land…." YEAH!!!
Ha ha ah hah! We needed a little humor, rcg and Gene, thanks! We lost power and water for FOUR full days, and Verizon cell service the first, worst day... Just got all back as of last night. And in the middle of all, the explosive boom and house shaking (we are 4 miles from the epicenter) 10:15 at night with no ability to get news about what had happened. Actually ended up being a very spiritual faith-building experience, all in all. Thanking God for all we have and take for granted!
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