Somewhere along the line, we've given the laity the mistaken notion that they should be able to pick and choose whatever they want for their class masses, wedding masses, funeral masses, etc. For this reason St. Joseph Church has very strict guidelines and I have empowered our music director to tell those planning weddings that only certain music can be sung or played. Read our guidelines for weddings by pressing the following sentence:SAINT JOSEPH WEDDING HANDBOOK
And this from the Catholic Church in Ireland, press the sentence to read the story:
Church to introduce tighter vetting for weddings
This video is awesome. First of all I did not know that Stephen Hawking did voice overs for cartoons. Secondly, the satire is thick and wonderful. My wife works in our parish rectory and this sort of discussion is more common than many might think. My daughter is strictly following the music requirements for the mass. Instead of confounding Mr Kratchet she is fleecing me for the reception dinner and party afterward. That seems reasonable. Wonder why more people don't do that?
Weddings can be extravaganzas! I have to say that since we have strict parish guidelines, that we seldom have any issues with brides concerning their wedding. Word has gotten out how beautifully celebrated the weddings we have are and most seem to appreciate our guidelines which keep it that we. We haven't allowed the unity candle here for almost 7 years and brides never even ask for it anymore. We do allow the Hispanic tradition of the cord and veil which fits in very well with our theology of the liturgy of weddings. The flame representing the bride, the groom and then becoming one in Christ is not of our Catholic tradition because fire always represent Christ, the light of the world in which we all share through baptism.
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