
Wednesday, February 1, 2023



Once upon a time I concelebrated a Confirmation Mass with an aging auxiliary bishop of a faraway archdiocese that I was visiting. 

His style of celebrating the Modern Roman Missal Mass was stuck in the 1970’s

1. He was chatty from beginning to end

2. Long commentaries at the beginning, middle, end and in between

3. Directions barked out to the confirmandi and explaining the ritual before it happened and while it was happening

4. Saying “Thank You” after the laity responded to his liturgical greetings and each time

5. Praying all the prayers, especially the Eucharistic Prayer, with roving eyes toward the congregation and establishing strong eye contact with the congregation as though the prayers were directed toward them

6. Asking for applause for the candidates for Confirmation after their names were called and again after they were immediately confirmed and again at the end of Mass

7. Shaking hands with each confirmandi and their sponsor as a part of the ritual

7. At the Final Blessing, he said, “The Lord is with you” instead of the traditional “The Lord be with you” 

It could have been worse, though, according to progressive liturgists who don’t get their underwear wadded up over things like this, it could have been a TLM Confirmation. 

And thus we live in an alternative universe, an upside down world. 


Fr. David Evans said...

the liturgy of the Roman Rite promulgated by Paul VI and John Paul II.

These books are “the sole expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite.”

So what happened in Congo today, in a far flung faraway airport

TJM said...

Father Evans,

My pastor is 32, wears a cassock, and celebrates the TLM once a week. He grew the parish during the pandemic, so he ignores the "advice" of the German Church and the Vatican, two major league loser organizations. He is focused on teaching the Catholic Faith, not the latest lunacies from the Left.