
Wednesday, March 24, 2021



The city of Chicago recorded 774 murders in 2020, an increase of more than 50% from the 506 murders in 2019, according to a database maintained by the Chicago Sun-Times. The uptick was felt across the city, as 20 of the CPD’s 22 police districts recorded more murders in 2020 than the year before. The number of overall shooting incidents skyrocketed, too, rising from 2,120 in 2019 to 3,237 as of Dec. 27, 2020.

That number of 774 murders in Chicago averages about 15 people/victims a week. Shooting incidents in 2020  were about 3,237. 

Most of these murders and random shootings were black on black crime. It is a phenomenal number in a city and state with very strict gun laws. 

On Monday, 10 people were murdered in a grocery store in Colorado. One was a policeman. I think the other 9 were white and the shooter was white with an automatic weapon. 

The news coverage by the white elite news establishment has far outpaced anything we see weekly covered in Chicago, nationally. 

CNN just did a heartbreaking story giving all the names of those killed, a bit of a background to them and tugged at our heartstrings that a man with an automatic weapon could cause such heartbreak and tragedy on people “who did not deserve it.”

Yes, the coverage of whites who are murdered, especially in mass shootings, while “minor” compared to what happens weekly in Chicago is racism on the part of the white networks. 

Keep in mind, 774 people, mostly African Americans, were murdered in Chicago in 2020. Do you know any of their names and family backgrounds? 

Racism is their name—the news media, that is. They need  to be CANCELED! 


rcg said...

Minorities in this country are cannon fodder for political agendas.

Anonymous said...

And if a white policeman so much as raises his voice to a drug-addled black man who is committing a crime, the entire black community (well, most of them) are up in arms, calling for the dismissal and arrest of the accused officer, and the criminal is passed off as a "martyr".

Black people have a right to hate racism.

They do not have a right to adopt it in the false belief it will solve their problems.

In America, we can safely say, Racism, thy name is blackness.

Black America, you have become the very thing you hate.

You should have listened to Martin.

Anonymous said...

The evil, corrupt, national media is the biggest problem confronting the US. They lie and distort reality for their own twisted ends. The Capitol building raid was transformed into a crime against humanity when no one's home or business was destroyed like they were in the "most peaceful" riots of the Democratic Party's stormtroopers, Antifa and BLM. The recent shooting in Colorado was committed by an Isis loving Muslim, yet the media lost interest in the story when it was clear it was not the work of a White supremacist or a Trump supporter.