
Tuesday, March 16, 2021


 Pope Francis celebrates a so-called “private” Mass at the side altar of St. Pope John Paul II in Saint Peter’s Basilica. Is the Holy Father, His Holiness himself, now banned from doing this? Such an absurdity:

In the summer of 1978, the summer Pope Paul VI died, I was a seminarian in a field placement in the parish that I would eventually become pastor, St. Joseph in Macon. My pastor, Father John Cuddy, would often offer private Masses if he was not scheduled for the parish daily Mass. In 2004 I succeeded Msgr. Cuddy who remained in Macon until he died in 2017 after I became pastor at St. Anne in Richmond Hill, Georgia.

He was criticized by liberal seminarians and priests for continuing this oh so pre-Vatican II practice. Some seminarians and newly ordained priests told him he should at least have a server. But his response to these oh so spirit of Vatican II priests was that there is no such thing as a private Mass. At all Masses with just a priest and no server the entire Church is present, the one in heaven, the one in purgatory and the one on earth and included also are all the angelic hosts. He had a point! He had the TRUTH.

Cardinal Krejeski celebrates a so-called “private” Mass at St. Peter’s regularly. But no more because a subordinate in the wrong Curial office and without any post-Vatican II consultation on the matter has banned Masses on side altars and chapels at St. Peter’s.

Those progressives applauding this idiotic move as helping St. Peter’s implement Vatican II directives, which is a lie and old lie, by the way, should be, instead, decrying this pre-Vatican II authoritarianism by implementing an idiotic policy in the most pre-Vatican II way possible. 

Will the good Cardinal, a close collaborator to Pope Francis, encourage the Holy Father to intervene in a decision that even the pope was not consulted and reverse it before March 22? Time will tell.

St. Peter’s Side-Altar Mass Ban: Papal Subordinates Trigger Another ‘Imbergoglio’

COMMENTARY: The eighth anniversary of Pope Francis’ election brought a completely unexpected and wholly unnecessary controversy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For the past several years now I have been attending TLM every Sunday. In the beginning, my wife and I also attended NO masses usually every Monday also. Over time the contrast between the two forms of the liturgy has become so jarring that eventually with the Covid situation hastening the decision we stoped attending on Mondays altogether. We drive 200 miles round-trip every Sunday.