We just concluded our Divine Mercy Sunday prayers. It began at 2:00 PM with Solemn Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Then three of us priests heard confessions for a solid hour; Divine Mercy was overflowing! At 3:00 PM we sang the Divine Mercy Chaplet and concluded with Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament. After Benediction, the 4th Degree Knights of Columbus formed an honor guard to hold our very large image of Divine Mercy for all to come forward to venerate. As I type this, individual veneration is in progress. We must have had almost 350 people!
Devotions of this type are so critical to support our sacramental and liturgical life. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in our Latin Rite Tradition and veneration of relics and images are resurgent in our Catholic piety with clergy and laity alike. Private prayer, devotion and love for our Lord can only strengthen our Catholic faith and help us to be "Good Christian Soldiers" fighting corruption in our Church and in our Godless secular society.
What I came away with today, despite the horrors of the scandals, the children and teenagers who carry scars of being abused by supposedly trusted Church men and women is that God will show us mercy and heal the wounds of sin and that He will triumph over sin and death. Our enemies and our sins will not have the last word!
I'm leaving now for the center of the universe today, Augusta, Georgia, not to see Tiger, but my 90 year old mom. Then beginning tomorrow and concluding on Wednesday, we have our annual clergy conference with our bishop in Augusta. Of course, tomorrow Augusta will no longer be the center of the universe, and hopefully Tiger will take his paparazzi with him! I've never seen such commotion in Augusta at our beloved and dignified Masters!
So I won't be blogging unless someone loans me a computer. I only have my blackberry in Augusta, I don't own a compact computer and my mom doesn't have one in her town home. So I'll probably blog again on Thursday, God willing and the Second Coming hasn't occurred.
Enjoy the video, not from our Divine Mercy, but somewhere from cyberspace!
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