
Thursday, September 7, 2023


This is incredible. But first, I suspect somewhere along the way, I have inadvertently given Holy Communion to an unbaptized person. It was a mistake on the part of the person who received and me. The person presented himself for Holy Communion and I offered it thinking the person was Catholic.

But this is entirely different. An archbishop in Brazil knowingly gave Holy Communion to a Muslim cleric in his clerical dress. And the archbishop says he did so because of Pope Francis. Yes, you read that correctly.

To give Holy Communion to a non-baptized person and then say this is what Vatican II and Pope Francis want is a lie.

One must be a baptized Christian. Eastern Orthodox may receive Holy Communion in a Catholic Church because they are fully initiated into the Church, although in schism. There are canons that allow this under certain circumstances. The same for baptized Protestants, they may receive Holy Communion under certain circumstances but always with the approval of the local bishop. 

Under no circumstances can a non-baptized person receive Holy Communion. They would have to be baptized first after having requested baptism, usually on their deathbed. One must be in a state of forgiveness from both Original Sin, which can only be washed away in baptism, and sins committed after baptism which requires Confession for mortal sins and an act of contrition of some kind for venial sins. 

It appears that many in very high places in the Church understand Holy Communion to be a magic amulet that offers anyone magical powers to belong to Christ even if they don’t believe in Him  or practice the Christian faith. Superstition is what it is called and it is pagan. 

Here are two takes on this scandal, just one more in a scandal filled Church:

Furor erupts in Brazil after archbishop gives communion to Muslim sheikh


rcg said...

So many things have been done in the name of Vatican II and very little correction has taken place. I will be surprised if anything comes from the Pope about this at all.

TJM said...

Father McDonald,

Did the Archbishop excommunicate himself? What will PF and the Roche in Rome do about this sacrilege? Maybe the laity there need to take this faux Archbishop to to the woodshed!

Bob said...

As I noted when Sophia posted it in prior blog entry, Francis and his pals mostly quote only Francis pronouncements while ignoring what everyone else has said for 2000yrs, as the past to these people does not matter...

because they think everyone who came before them was STUPID, and they think any person of these modern times who follows what was previously taught is also STUPID. This is the idea of modern progressives. All which came before was by definition backwards and wrong.

And THEM to stupid to see that if those of the past were wrong, then the Church is a farce and nobody with a lick of common sense would or could follow it now....

And this is exactly what is happening....with every denial of the past, the faith in the religion, in nations, is destroyed.

Bob said...

Father McDonald,

Long range models are notoriously inaccurate, but these hint at cause for hope regarding powerful hurricane Lee.
These models are posted in order, the latter picks up where first left off, and it linked mainly as it shows another storm entering the picture near end of run...

William said...

Had the Archbishop blessed the Muslim in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, it would have caused an international furor. And yet....

John said...

What would Mark say about this? I hope he can enlighten us rigid folk.

Thomas Garrett said...

I suppose this shouldn't surprise us at all. After all, Bill Clinton, the charming good-ol'-boy pro-abortion womanizer who is clearly a non-practicing Protestant (then again, if you're a Protestant, what IS there to actually practice?) was given Communion by a Catholic priest in South Africa in 1998 and, so far as we know, the priest made no attempt to catechize Clinton and received no reprimand (that we know of) from his bishop--who remained silent on the subject. And Joe Biden (presuming he is conscious and breathing) continues to receive Holy Communion after...oh, where to begin? Supporting abortion on demand with no limitations for years, being caught plagiarizing, supporting homosexuality, transexualism an about every possible type of sexual deviancy as a "civil right", pawing all over little girls and essentially sinning against the poor by making it harder for them to survive while he lines his coffers with Ukrainian and Chinese bribe payoffs. Our presumed pontiff treats him like royalty!

Why are we so hung up about rules? This is just paving the way for the apostate universalism our stinkingly corrupted Vatican is preparing for us. Just let go and stop being so "judgy"!

TJM said...


So you are asking for 20 non sequiturs and dozens of holy, holies?

This "Archbishop" should be suspended, a divinis

ByzRus said...

Seems to be a difficult action to defend relative to Catholic beliefs, that, seemingly are absent outside of that sphere.

Hopefully, due consideration is provided followed by appropriate sanctions.