
Wednesday, September 20, 2023


 If I knew how, I would electronically draw facial features on the back of this priest’s head! It’s ripe for it! 

The Pillar has an article on a new movement which began in Spain and is spreading like wildfire throughout Europe and now in the USA.

I have never heard of it! It is called “Hakuna”. I don’t know what that means, but it sounds more Japanese than Spanish to me.


Since Vatican II, to fill the void of the dreariness of the new liturgy and parish life, new movements galore have developed to fill the vacuum of dismal parish life, devoid of community, excitement and prayer opportunities outside of a dreary, stripped down Mass, the only form of prayer Catholics were experiencing after Vatican II as every devotion, popular or not, was called into question. 

And then the focus of the Mass shifted away from Jesus Christ, to the assembly and all their actions, especially opening the Mass to untrained lectors, cantors, Communion Ministers and altar servers of whatever gender. Back in the day, there were only two unquestioned genders, but not today!

All the new movements, to a certain extent, replaced the local parish in terms of providing vocations to the priesthood. In my Diocese of Savannah, the strongest new movement is the Alleluia Charismatic Covenant Community in my hometown of Augusta. It began around 1972 and has provided more vocations to the priesthood than any larger parish in any of our parishes in the diocese. 

I don’t care for charismatic spirituality or dragging that into the Mass, but for prayer services and devotions, what the heck. To each his own. 

I think the Traditionalist Movement which Pope Benedict XVI encouraged, provides more vocations than any of our post-Vatican II dismal parishes. 

And just think of pre-Vatican II times, especially in the 1940’s and 50’s. Most parishes were popping out vocations like a microwave oven and a bag of popcorn! Back then there were priests and sisters, brothers galore to inspire by their way of life an enthusiasm for the priesthood or religious life. Not after Vatican II though, which some call the “new springtime for the Church!”

Hakuna’s focus isn’t on being self-referential and talking incessantly about changing the Church to accommodate the heretical culture, especially the LGBTQ+++ ideological, political movement. And as a new movement, it certainly doesn’t believe the culture today has anything to teach us, as corrupted as it is by ideologies. 

Hakuna is about JESUS, JESUS, JESUS, and His clear, unambiguous teachings, especially on repentance and salvation in His Divine Mercy and love. 

To the chagrin of progressive liturgists, they advocate and celebrate Eucharist Adoration!

The Mass is at the center of their spirituality, especially the Real Presence of the Risen and Glorified Christ. 

I don’t know for sure, but I fear their manner of celebrating Mass might be akin the the Lifeteen model, but I am not sure. And I suspect they use trendy sounding music that like any fad, will fall out of favor like the groovy folk songs I had to endure in the 1960’s and 70’s.

But overall I think this movement is a good thing. God bless them.


Mark Thomas said...

Father McDonald said..."Since Vatican II...every devotion, popular or not, was called into question."


The amazing thing in regard to the attack upon popular devotions is that Vatican II promoted popular devotions.

From Sacrosanctum Concilium:

"Popular devotions of the Christian people are to be highly commended, provided they accord with the laws and norms of the Church, above all when they are ordered by the Apostolic See."

"Devotions proper to individual Churches also have a special dignity if they are undertaken by mandate of the bishops according to customs or books lawfully approved.'


Mark Thomas

rcg said...

I am pretty sure the term was introduced to Western and European use by the venerable Timon and Pumba through Orlando.

Anonymous said...

The focus on Jesus is admirable and probably a significant source of their popularity, much like evangelical Protestants and charismatics both Catholic and Protestant. The trouble with following stylistic fads (in music, clothing, etc.) is that the movement risks (1) staleness, a la those who cling to the St. Louis Jesuits even today, or (2) chasing the trends, along the lines of youth groups that I have worked in, before slowly fading into desuetude. May the Holy Spirit help them avoid staleness or irrelevance and keep them vigorous in their love for Jesus and adherence to Him.

rcg said...

Seriously, it is very interesting. The Spanish way of speaking moving between vagaries to firm declarations makes it difficult to understand. The words remind me of the ‘spirit’ movements in the USA and the advent of strange music. I need to overcome my triggered reaction to that to see if it has legs or if the members will move on to other interests as the mature. This was addressed at least partially in the article so it is hopeful.