
Sunday, October 30, 2022


 This is an Ordinariate Church!


TJM said...

Very handsome!

Fr. Michael J. Kavanaugh said...

Who are those people standing on that beam threatening to jump.

Fr. Allan J. McDonald said...

Fearless great saints!

Anonymous said...

Father McDonald,

Thank you for that very uplifting (speaking spiritually, and at least to me) photograph.

By the way...August 16, 2022 A.D., Eric Sammons, OnePeter5:

-- Liturgical Diversity and My First Ordinariate Mass

"I know many faithful TLM-goers argue that a liturgical language like Latin is superior to the vernacular, and I respect those arguments. But I am not someone who believes the Latin language should be required for all Western liturgies.

"I have to admit I prefer the liturgy in this sacral English rather than Latin. I found it helped me to focus on what was being said better than Latin does, while still retaining the mystery one should find in a Catholic liturgy."


Mark Thomas

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI: The Second Vatican Council was “not only meaningful, but necessary.”

TJM said...

Mark Thomas,

Do you reject then Veterum Sapientia and Vatican II? St. Pope John XXIII in VS said “Latin is the language that joins the Church of today” and Vatican II says the Latin Mass is to be preserved and that Pastors teach their congregations to sing, in Latin, the parts of the Mass proper to them!

TJM said...

I see Mark Thomas can't answer a couple of simple points, probably hunting for some non sequiturs to post

TJM said...

Mark Thomas,

Are you a Veterum Sapientia or Sacrosanctum Concilium denier?

Jerome Merwick said...

He's definitely a Quo Primum denier! Then again, his hero not only denies Quo Primum but Mortalium Animos!