
Thursday, April 7, 2022


In every age, someone, or groups of people or the entire nation experiences apocalyptic nightmares. Just think the Ukraine right now and those poor people bombed and slaughtered. What a nightmare, indeed!

But a priest in the Archdiocese of Atlanta says he saw a vision of Mary that is apocalyptic. Is it true? The Church does give credence (after investigation) to private revelations (which of course borders on Gnosticism, no?).

Here it is, just press the title and below it is a sound-byte. What do you think of this Georgian Apocalypse? 

Georgia Exorcist Allegedly Sees 3 Visions of Virgin Mary Blacking Out the Earth

Fr. Blount’s alleged visions:

“I had the joy of seeing her way up in the air over the Church. She must have been quite large, because I was way down on the ground,” Fr. Blount continues.

“I basically saw Mary’s torso from her waist to the top of her head. She’s quite beautiful.

“And Our Lady was holding something in her hands,” Fr. Blount says. “It was black–it was dark. I didn’t know what it was. She was holding in her hand. It seemed to be curved. It was like a roll of something in her hands.

“As I looked at Mama, she made a motion, and whatever this was, it began to unroll. I realized at that moment that it was a ream of material–a ream of cloth. And it began to come out–to roll out from her hand. She’s still holding it, but it’s rolling out.

“I then see it come down and turn around and circle around the globe.

“As I’m standing there, it’s circling all around the earth and coming back to where we were in Georgia in seconds. Then it went around again a few degrees over, and again and again to wrap the entire world in this black fabric.

“I saw the words, spelled out in front of me (I saw the words in my spirit): ‘blackout.’ Then the whole thing disappeared.

“It didn’t scare me in any way because the Lord told us to read the signs of the times. We have to be aware of what’s happening, because God is on the move. The devil has been on the move for a long time, and he’s about to get his just reward (his punishment) soon. And God will work His victory through His Holy Mother.


TJM said...

I know nothing of Father Blount. Has the Archdiocese responded?

TJM said...

I noticed that Father Blount is a member of the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity. I went to their website and it is a religious community of priests, brothers and sisters, formed in 1958 in New Mexico. It is worth of look. They do great work

V for Vendee said...

So three days of darkness on the way. A pedo nation and a pedo anti-church deserve far worse. The Ape of Man will get his due.

V for Vendee said...

I thought I had read this last year.

TJM said...

V for Vendee,

Yes, the story is a year old

Thomas Garrett said...

V--yes, this is old news. This has been on the internet since at least last Autumn.

Dismissing this as gnosticism is just as reckless as blindly believing it. I would suggest that this should cautiously be taken as a warning. given the evil age we live in and the evil disorientation the Church is enduring.

If it was only one or two persons, it might be easily ignored, but no less than at LEAST 11 saints or blesseds have shared a prophecy about a coming Three Days of Darkness.

Part of being a Catholic includes accepting the Scriptures and the Scriptures teach us clearly that God has His limits. Frankly, I'm surprised He has been this patient with us.

ByzRus said...

I don't put much stock in private revelation(s) relative to the traditions and liturgies of the Church. Interesting, but seems to be just a news item, period.