
Wednesday, December 25, 2019


Urbi et Orbi

Today first and past ones:


the Egyptian said...

well when you become a scold (and somewhat heretical)that tends to happen

Mark Thomas said...

The important thing to me is the content of the Pope's message.

It is beautiful that "X" amount of folks attended Pope Benedict XVI's Urbi et Orbi addresses. It is beautiful that those present at a given address, as well as folks around the world, wished to hear the Pope.

But the content is my first concern.

Here are some beautiful expressions from our great Culture of Life Pope Francis, 2019 A.D:

"May Emmanuel bring light to all the suffering members of our human family. May he soften our often stony and self-centred hearts, and make them channels of his love.

"May he bring his smile, through our poor faces, to all the children of the world: to those who are abandoned and those who suffer violence.

"Through our frail hands, may he clothe those who have nothing to wear, give bread to the hungry and heal the sick. Through our friendship, such as it is, may he draw close to the elderly and the lonely, to migrants and the marginalized.

"On this joyful Christmas Day, may he bring his tenderness to all and brighten the darkness of this world."


Mark Thomas

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to the Francis Effect?

Dan said...

Like Mark Thomas, I too am an optimist. The smaller the crowd, the less likely it is that someone may be accidently proselytized.

Anonymous said...

Even Evita drew bigger crowds. Maybe he should start singing.

Православный физик said...

It's almost as if no one wants to hear from him....which I can't say, i don't blame people.